Anxiety Spikes

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"I went over the videos of everyone's matches yesterday and made notes. Bakugo, you have major talent. So don't silk like a child of you don't win"
Mr Aizawa said and you looked over to Katsuki, and he just looked away mumbling
"Midoriya. I saw that the only way that your team won was by you breaking your bones again. And don't give me the excuse that you 'can't control your power', it's already getting old. But with work, it will become a useful power in the future"
Mr Aizawa said and Midoriya looked inspired for some reason.

"So the first task for today will decide your future. You'll need to pick a class representative"
Mr Aizawa said in a monotone voice, and everyone erupted into loud charter, making you put your headphones fully on your ears and putting your hands on top of them to further block out the noise
"Hey guys! Pick me to be class rep!"
"I'm afraid that your gonna have to pick me!"
"Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!"
"It would be the right choice to-"
"SHUT UP!!!"
Katsuki yelled, and everyone tuned to him
"The only right choice for the class rep is me"
He said pointing to himself, and the class started yelling louder than before
"C'mon guys! I'll be the best choice here!"
"I'll be the best class rep there is!"
"I'm the only viable option-"

Someone yelled, and the class calmed down  quickly
"We will hold an election to choose the class representative"
Iida declared, with his hand straight up in the air
"You just want people to vote for you, don't you"
The red hair boy said, and you put your hand up a little catching attention of the same red haired boy
"You don't need to put your hand up to ask a question. But shoot anyway"
He said with a huge toothy smile, and you looked at the floor, hugging Otis tightly
"...I don't know anyone's names..."
You mumbled and slightly removed the headphone of one ear to hear them better
"Hey, no neet to worry, we have only been here for three days. But let's all introduce ourselves!"
The redhead exclaimed, quickly standing up

"I'm Kirishima Ejiro!"
The red haired guy said
"You already know me, but I'm Ashido Mina"
You already knew Mina
"Asui Tsuyu. But please, call me Tsu. Ribbit"
Said the frog girl
"Aoyama Yuga. The one with all the sparkle"
He was very clearly camp, would be friends with Kal-el, a guy from your secondary school, who was also, very camp
"I'm very aware that you know me L/N"
Iida said bitterly
"I'm Uraraka Ochaco! Nice to meet you!"
Said the pick-me girl
"Ojiro Mashirao"
He was the one with the tail
"Karminari Denki, but you can call me yours~"
Said the blonde one with the black lightning strike
"Sato Rikido here!"
He looked like he had just done the Kyle Jenner lip challenge
"Shoji Mezo"
He has about six arms and looked like a flying squirrel cause the arms were connected by skin
"Jiro Kyoka"
She looked like she was a product if Apple and Samsung had a baby, cause she had earphone jacks for earlobes
"Hehe, you kinda already know me, mi amor"
Sero said and you smiled slightly at him speaking Spanish
"Tokoyami Fumikage. And I'm Dark Shadow!"
The bird guy and supposedly his quirk said
"Todoroki Shoto"
The guy with half white and half red hair said, he's going through a phase
"Hagakure Toru, here for your viewing pleasure!"
She said making you laugh a bit, instantly understanding her joke since she was entirely invisible
"You definitely already know my name, but it's Midoriya Izuku, in case you forgot"
Midoriya said rubbing the back of his neck
"Hi there dear, I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, if you ever need anything, I'm here to help"
Said the posh girl, and she was indeed, very posh
"And I'm Mineta Minoru, and I have to say, you have amazing boobies"
He drooled and you were immediately uncomfortable

"I'm L/N Y/N. But please call me Y/N"
You said quietly and Kirishima looked over to Katsuki
"Hey Bakugo, why didn't you said your name like everyone else?"
He asked and Katsuki rolled his eyes
"She already knows my name, don't you cloud for brains"
He said tauntingly, and you turned to him, giving him the bird, and he made one loud 'HA'. Kirishima turned to you
"Well, now you know everyone, shouldn't we get started in voting for the class rep?!"
Kirishima exclaimed making you flinch, but Iida handed out little prices of paper and you wrote down Iida's name, cause you definitely didn't want to be class representative at all.

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