The Spots Festival

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Every single first year was now grouped together infront of a huge stage in the arena, you were looking around the entire stadium in amazement, there were hundreds, no, thousands of people say in the stalls watching the festival and there were some pro heroes thrown in here and there, obviously seeing the new potential that this year brought
"Welcome everyone to this year's annual UA sports festival!"
A woman said into a microphone causing the whole stadium to cheer loudly, you flinched at the loud noise and made some cloud headphones to block out the noise. You turned back around to face the stage and was met by Ms Midnight holding a wip and a microphone, in her usual skimpy hero costume. You leaned closer to Katsuki
"Mmmmmmmm, skimpy"
You said in his ear and he laughed
"Firstly, we will have our student pledge from Bakugo Katsuki and L/N Y/N!"
She exclaimed and you looked over at Katsuki and he just started walking towards the stage and you quickly followed him.
Katsuki walked up to the microphone first
"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win"
He said nonchalantly and you nerly burst out laughing, but everyone started booing him, he turned towards the crowd and giving them all a thumbs down
"Your all just stepping stones to my victory"
And Katsuki walked away from the microphone and motioned for you to start speaking. You nervously walked up to the microphone
"Today, were all gonna do our best-"
You started and looked over the crowd and locked eyes with the purple haired guy
"-but like Bakugo said, I'm gonna win"
You proclaimed walking away from the microphone and everyone started booing you, Katsuki stated to walk of the stage and you followed him retuning to the spot you were in beforehand
"We killed it"
You mumbled to him
"Of course we did"
He mumbled back and you.

"Well now that's over with, let's see what the first challenge is!"
Midnight exclaimed looking towards a huge screen behind her and a giant spinning wheel appeared, spinning through the different activities. It slowed down and stopped on 'Obstacle Race'. She turned back to face you all
"Ta-da! In this game all students will join together and compete in an obstacle course, the game will take place in a 4 kilometer course outside the arena. I don't want to restrain anyone"
She said the last sentence seductively, licking her lips
"Just make sure that you stay inside to course. But other than that, your free to do whatever you want!"
She held her whip out towards you all
"Contestants! Take! Your! Places!"
And the tunnel that lead to the first challenge unlocked and people started to walk towards it, Midnight walked off the stage and made her way to you
"Hey sweetheart, do you want me to look after him for you?"
She offered, gesturing towards Otis. You smiled and handed him to her
"Thank you Ms Midnight"
You thanked her and walked towards where the rest of the group was and you made your way to what Katsuki was standing
"There are so many people here, I'm getting flashbacks to when everyone tried to evaluate the school"
You said while making your cloud headphones more dense to block out background noise
"People don't know personal space"
Katsuki grumbled and you nodded, you looked at the space around you and near the gate that was keeping you all in there was a metal pipe on the roof
Presents Mic yelled over the intercom and the door that kept you all together opened and people started to make a b-line to the open air.

You quickly removed the cloud headphones and made a sort of cloud lasso and wrapped it around the metal pipe and propelled yourself out of the hallway and a couple of your classmates followed your lead, using their quirks to get themselves ahead of the crowd. When you were in the air, you made a cloud disk appear underneath either foot and started running, and the cloud disks disappeared whenever a foot was raised and it re appeared whenever the foot was put back down, essentially you running on air
"And Class 1A L/N Y/N has taken an early lead! And she looks to be running on air?! And also in Class 1A Bakugo Katsuki is in a close second, using explosions to propel himself forward! Damn Shota, you have some crazy kids in your class!"
Present Mic has his running commentary over the speakers but you drowned him out, focusing on the task ahead.
As you were running, a robot from the entrance exam appeared infront of you and swung at you to try and throw you off your balance, but you turned the robots arms, legs and head into cloud and tore those parts off it's body, and you kept on running until you hit your next obstacle.
"For the second obstacle, the contests will have to make their way over the pit of doom!"
Present Mic exclaimed and you knew that you could just run over the huge pit, but thought of showing off your quick more, so you made a cloud that covered both of your feet and you used it as a surf board, floating over the pit and the other contestants. You were coming up to the third and final obstacle when both Katsuki and Todoroki came into your periphery, and you made your cloud go faster, but because of that, your vision started to deteriorate.
"The third obstacle is a minefield! These won't hurt the contests, but definitely give them a fright!"
You didn't really take notice of what Presents Mic said, cause you were to focuses on staying ahead of Todoroki and Katsuki. Todoroki was icing the ground and using that to move while Katsuki was using his explosions to propel himself forward.
The three of you were neck'n'neck, really close to the finish line when there was a huge explosion and Midoriya flew over you three and landed in first place. You tried your hardest to make yourself go faster but it didn't necessarily work since you ended up in fourth place. You were disappointed, but happy you made it into the second round.

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