I'll Be Your Hero

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You were weaving through the large crowd of heros around you, looking for one specific hero in particular, trying to spot his long black hair and yellow goggles. And when you saw a glimpse of those yellow goggles, you immediately stopped walking and b-lined straight towards Mr Aizawa.

You said as you walked up to him and he turned to look in your direction as you stoped beside him.

"Are you alright?"
He asked and you thought for a moment before giving a small nod.

"I would say so"
You replied and he put a hand on your head, ruffling your hair a little.

"If this is too much, you don't have to take part"
He said and you brought your hands into fist.

"No. I want to help"
You said and the chief of police clicked his fingers, standing at the very front of the crowd and caught everyone's attention.

"Once they read the warrant, then you will be allowed to enter the building. Be on high alert"
The chief said and went to ring the doorbell but a large and muscly guy burst through the door, breaking it off it's hinges and breaking the wall surrounding it too, creating a late amount of air pressure and knocking the police that was closest to the door off their feet and flying backwards.

You quickly made a cloud and braced the fall of two police guys, running over to them and helping both of them to their feet.

"Are you alright?"
You asked them both and they both nodded before running over to a police car.

"Me and my work study students will deal with them out here. The rest of you go and save the girl!"
The Dragoon Hero said and you surrounded your feet with cloud and ran into the courtyard of the stronghold.

There was a large group of thugs waiting for you and the police at the front of the group delt with them while the heros ran inside, but came to a halt when Nighteye started to press some tiles when a door opened and three thugs ran out, but were quickly detained by two heros and the rest of you ran down the stairs, but was met with a wall.

"Great going Nighteye, your foresight lead us to a dead end"
Rock Lock said and you walked forward and made yourself cloud so you could easily pass though the wall and there was a long corridor on the other side.You turned around and walked back and faced the large group infront of you.

"The way we need to go is just on the other side of the wall"
You said and both Midoriya and Kirishima ran forward and broke through the wall, you having to keep your whole body cloud so none of the falling debre would land on you and cause you harm.

"Let's keep going!"
Nighteye said and you all continued down the hallway, turning yourself back to normal and wrapping your feet with cloud so you were running in the air

All walls around started to move like water, making it almost impossible for people to stay on their feet, but you felt like the fortunate one because you were in the air.

"I'm going to save the girl!"
Togata exclaimed and ran ahead, phasing through walls and in the blink of an eye, the floor opened up and everyone fell through it, and Eraserhead must have accidentally used his quirk on you, causing you to fall down with them.

Your clouds reappeared just as quickly as they disappeared, and you made a cloud so you didn't hurt yourself when you landed, and saw Amajiki capturing three villains infront of the group.

"I can do this by myself. Go on without me!"
Amajiki exclaimed and you all left the room, a small voice in the back of your head said to stay with him, but you knew that he could handle himself.

You decided to preserve your energy and not use your quirk unless it was necessary so you ran and was behind Eraserhead when a large chunk of wall pushed him into the wall, Kirishima and Fat Gum pushing him out of the way but both of them got pushed into the wall and disappeared.

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