Fight and do your best

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You yelled out while you were running
'We were attached by two villain, everyone return back to camp. Do not engage!"
Mandalay used her telepath quirk and you used a cloud to make your feet lighter so  you'll run faster, and when you reached Koda's hideout, he was cowering on the floor and there was a very larger man towering over him, and looked like he was going to attack Koda.
You held spud with one arm and with the other, you made a cloud gun and shot it at the taller person, hitting them in the arm, you made the bullets dense so that it would have the affect of a real bullet.
The person that you hit cried out in pain, turning their head to face you, smiling evilly
"Well well well. I definitely know you're on the list"
The man standing over Koda said menacingly and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Midoriya quickly step in an grab Koda, taking him out of danger
"Don't fucking touch him"
You spat and the man laughed
"You really think that you can beat me?"
He scoffed and something happens to his body, he became really musically and smirked like a madman
"I can't kill you"
He smirked but turned to Midoriya
"But I can kill you!"
He yelled and charged at Midoriya, and in the moment, you didn't think, you just dived in the way of the punch, getting hit in the stomach, and you yelled out in pain.
You landed against the rock wall, and you dropped spud before you fell, landing on your arm and it made a sickening snap, but before you scream out in pain, you vomited.
You slowly pushed yourself up with your good arm and looked up to see Midoriya getting pummeled by the musically guy, Koda ran up to you, grabbing spud and tried to help you up
"Why are you doing this?"
Koda asked through tears and you hissed in pain as you slowly stood up
"Because we're heros, and it's out duty to help people in need"
You said coldly and you dispersed your body into cloud, slowly making your way over to the guy that was now standing over Midoriya.
You floated infront of the guy and was about to turn yourself whole again when he stopped and turned to look behind him, and you saw Koda holding spud on one hand, and a small rock in the other
"The water hose. Do you remember them? They were my parents, and you took them away form me"
Koda cried and the big mad turned around to face Koda, with his back to you and Midoriya you made yourself whole again and made a cloud sword in one hand and a gun in the other
"The reason why your dear old mommy and daddy died is because they couldn't keep a simple little promise!"
The guy yelled and was about to attack Koda when you shot both of his legs and sliced his back, you were practically shaking with rage
"I said don't fucking touch him"
You spat and charged at him and when he was about to attack you, you felt Midoriya charge up his quirk and youn changed your aim and chose to protect Koda, dispersing your weapons and making cloud wings, propelling yourself forward and wrapped your arms around Koda who was still holding spud
You heard Midoriya yell and there was an immense wind pressure which blew you both into the stone wall again, and winding you this time, and as you fell to the floor, you made sure that you fell into your back to protect Koda, but you had to suppress a yell since you landed on a jagged rock, piercing a hole straight through your leg and your broken arm wasn't making the pain any better either.
You were holding onto Koda with one arm and you slowly sat up again and turned around to see the muscle guy crushing Midoriya and something inside you snapped, and Koda seemed to notice your change in mood and stood up and pressed his back against the rock wall and when you stood up, you heard your leg snap but didn't take any notice, and made your cloud wings, propelling yourself towards the muscle guy and with your cloud sword, you sliced at the mass of muscle that he had become, making blood cover your face, and this seemed to distract the guy enough to allow Midoriya to finally serve the final blow, propelling him into the stone wall.
You slowly limped over to where the muscle guy was laying and with your cloud bat, with forcefully hit him on the head, making sure that he stayed down
You choked out and hobbled over to him
He chocked back and you held out a fist towards him, and he weakly held out his fist and hit his fist on yours
"We make a pretty good team"
You smiled and you could tell that Midoriya was holding back tears and to be honest, so were you, but then Koda ran towards the two of you, tears streaming down his face
"Are you hurt, Koda?"
You asked him and with one hand he held onto spud, while with the other hand, he wiped away his tears
"I'm fine, but you two aren't!"
Koda yelled and Midoriya stumbled forward, catching your attention
"We need to get back to camp"
Midoriya said weakly and you nodded, making a cloud beneath you, Koda and Midoriya, bringing them together and forming one large one to preserve your energy
"Make sure you hold on"
You smiled and stook off into the woods and back to camp, and as you weaved the trees, out of the corner of your eye you saw Mr Aizawa running towards you
You yelled and he spotted the three of you and made his way towards you all, and you made your way to him
"Mr Aizawa, please keep Koda safe, we need to tell Mandalay something"
Midoriya said quickly and Koda slipped off the cloud, leaving spud on the cloud, but you grabbed spud and handed it back to Koda
"What are you-"
"Keep him safe for me. I trust you to keep him safe"
You smiled and you saw Mr Aizawa nod at the two of you and you took this as your que to go to Mandalay, and took off.

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