Summer Holiday Part 2

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"Fuck you sparky"
Katsuki grumbled while he laid his head on your lap and Denki pouted
"It's not my fault you fed me literal lava, it was a natural reaction"
Denki mumbled and you started to stroke Katsuki's hair
"It's not that spicy, your just weak"
Katsuki said while reaching out for your hand which you held
"That is literal death in a bowl!"
Sero yelled and you looked at the two of them
"Y/N, you have to agree with us here"
Kirishima siad and you shrugged
"I don't find them that spicy"
You confessed and Katsuki chuckled while kissing the back of your hand, Kirishima, Sero and Denki were all completely shocked
"Is he bribing you?"
Mina asked and you shook your head
"No, I do really like the flavor and spiciness of it"
You exasperated and they were all sceptical
"Whatever, just blink twice if you need help"
Mina said and Katsuki moved your hand and lightly bit your finger, making you look down at him
"From now on, your not allowed to blink"
He threatened and you blinked rapidly at him, causing him to bite your finger more harshly this time
"Stop biting me you dog"
You insulted and he put your hands on his chest
"Well if I'm a dog, your my bitch"
He retorted and everyone else laughed while you went bright red
"Damn Y/N, you have just been clamed"
Sero said and you scowled at him
"Shut up you bastards"
You said while looking away for the group to hide your face
Katrina yelled and Mina stood up and stood at the bottom of the stairs
"Yes Ma?"
Mina asked
"Go to bed please"
Katrina said while throwing some duvet covers and pillows down the stairs and landing on Mina, making everyone laugh out loud
"Sorry baby"
Katrina said and you heard her walk away and a door closed. Kirishima stood up and helped Mina
"Oh my god he is such a simp for her"
You whispered to Katsuki and he nodded, looking towards the two of them
"She has got him wrapped around her finger"
Katsuki whispered back and you nodded while Kirishima threw a duvet over the two of you
"Do you mind?"
You asked and Kirishima smiled at you and shook his head
"Whatever, stand up for a minute please"
You asked Katsuki and he did what you said as you laid down on the sofa
"Come here"
You smiled and Katsuki laid in-between your legs, resting his head on your chest
"Your so cute"
You said while stroking his hair and he grabbed your free hand and bit your finger again
"I'm cool, not cute"
He corrected and you slightly pulled his hair
He exclaimed and you pulled his hair again
"Your being a baby, stop it, cuz it's making you more cute"
You babied and he linked his fingers with your and you resumed stroking his hair
"That's what I thought"
You smiled and Mina turned off the lights in the living room and you all went to sleep.

You woke up and Katsuki was holding your hand, tracing his thumb over your knuckles, laying on his back so your hands were on his chest while he laid on yours
Kirishima whispered and Katsuki looked towards him
Katsuki whispered harshly
"You like her right?"
Kirishima asked and you heard Katsuki give a disappointed sigh
"Do I not show it good enough?"
Katsuki asked and you heard Kirishima gulp
"No not at all, you show just fine"
Katsuki's hands were getting slightly warmer, but a nice warm and not painful
"Well fine isn't good enough. And what did you want to ask anyway?"
Katsuki asked and Kirishima paused for a moment before speaking
"Well I wanted to do I ask a girl out"
Kirishima confessed and you opened your eyes, looking over at Kirishima
"You ask a guy for advice on how to ask out a girl while he is laying on his girlfriend"
You almost laugh at his daftness and Katsuki kissed the back of your hand
"Hehe, sorry Y/N. But now that your awake, how do you ask a girl out?"
He asked and you looked towards Katsuki, he looked up at you
"Well we didn't really ask each other out, it just kinda happened"
You explained and looked over to Kirishima
"But if you want to ask a girl out, it depends on the girl and what she likes. So...who is the lucky girl that has stolen your heart"
You taunted and Mina walked into the living room and Kirishima blushed
"Fucking knew it"
You said and Katsuki held your hand tighter
"What are you guys talking about?"
Mina asked and you smiled innocent at her
"Oh nothing important"
You smiled and she shrugged
"Breakfast is ready"
She said and you all stood up and followed her into the kitchen, holding hands with Katsuki
"Damn, these pancakes look absolutely bangin' Mina"
You complimented and Katrina walked into the kitchen
"Well that's good to hear hun"
Katrina said and you smiled at her, not looking her in the eyes but at her feet
"Is there something on my face?"
Katrina asked and you looked up at her, with an apologetic look on your face
"Oh no, I just find it difficult to look people in the eyes"
You explained and she nodded
"No need to worry hun, I get it, have a good day, I'm off to work"
She smiled and walked out the fron door, Katsuki who was still holding your hand squeezed it, making you look at him
"You alright?"
He asked and you nodded then he leaned in and kissed your nose, making you smile
"You really like that don't you?"
He questioned and you nodded shyly, he kissed your nose again and let go of your hand
"Well good thing I like doing it"
He smirked and started to eat his breakfast which you copied. You looked up at Mina and took a sip of your drink
"Mina, I have a girly question for you"
You said and she looked at you
"What is it?"
She asked and you rested your chin on your hands
"How would you want a guy to ask you out?"
You asked and Kirishima nerly choked on his drink, Katsuki had to hold in his laugh but Mina just smiled and looked at you
"I would want them to ask in a cute and romantic way, and if they used a pickup line, make it cheesy but romantic, not ones that will make me cringe"
She explained and you nodded
"I can tell you have thought that through thoroughly"
You chuckled and continued to eat
"Who wouldn't! I mean it's all girls think about, how guys are gonna ask them out, and how they want to get married. Didn't you?"
Mina questioned and you shook your head, pulling your lips into a line
"I actually had a life"
You said dryly while Denki, Sero and Katsuki laughed
"Oh whatever"
She blushed and stood up, and putting her plate in the sink
"What were we doing today?"
Denki asked and Mina turned to face you all
"Well I was actually planning on getting some crocheting done today..."
You said awkwardly and everyone looked at you
"Why not just have a day at your house, I'm sure your parents won't mind"
Denki reasoned and his words made you feel sad, knowing that you won't be able to see your parents in a long time
"Uhhh, sure. I'll just need to go home first and clean up"
You said while standing up
"Can't you just get your parents to do it, stay with us s bit longer"
Mina complained and you put on a fake smile
"They won't know where to put my things, so I'll do it"
You smiled and walked back into the living room, grabbing your bags and walking back into the kitchen
"I'll see you all in a bit, message me when you guys are making your way over"
You said while waving at them and walking out of her house, making your way to your apartment.

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