Hero Too

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Your alarm went off at 6:30 AM and even though Katsuki was usually an early bird, but since you woke him up last night, he was incredibly groggy and grumpy. You tried to apologize to him and put your hand on his shoulder, but he forcefully shrugged your hand off and stomped out of your room, leaving a bad taste in your mouth and you had been awake for literally 10 minutes.

As you were getting ready, someone knocked on your door and it was Momo bringing you the orange band shirt she said that she'll make for everyone, and she had specifically made it out of cotton just for you which you greatly appreciated and gave her a big hug.

You wanted to practice singing the song one last time so you put your earbuds in and walked to gym gamma, where you were doing the concert, since it was a large it had a good echo and would make your singing much better in your opinion.

Otis was resting on a cloud next to you as you walked so that you could set up the music and make sure that it would repeat when it was over when you bumped into omeone, you looked up from your phone and saw a boy and a girl infront of you, but you must have bumped into the girl since she looked like she would rip your hair out.

"Oi! Watch were your going!"
The girl spat and you bowed lowly, tapping your hand on your leg.

"I'm sorry sorry. I wasn't watching were I was going and it was totally my fault"You apologized and when you stood up straight again, they read your shirt which said 'UA's Class A Concert', which the girl found quite amusing.

"Oh my god, your in 1A! Wow. I can't believe that you all think that a stupid little concert preformed by stupid little 'hero's' would make all the bad things your class has done to this school all better again"
The girl said and stepped towards you, shoving you back and you fell to the ground, watching as the boy handed Otis to the girl.

The girl had some sort of water quirk and since you were on a dirt path, she made the dirt into mud and threw Otis in the mud, standing on him while covering him in mud more.

This absolutely broke your heart and you used your quirk to retrieve Otis from the mud and held him the tight to your chest as you quikly stood up and ran to gym gamma, hearing them laugh as they watched you run away.

You got to gym gamma and hid behind the wall and slid to the floor and looked at Otis covered in mud, and so was your shirt since you had held him. Him being dirty wasn't your main source of frustration, but him now needing to be washed was.

This may sound bad out loud, but wheever your stuffed animals had to be washed, it got rid of the homely and comforting smell that he usually had, but you believed that it washed away all the memories that you had made with him as well.

At 8:00 AM, Jiro messaged you and asked you to come back to the dorms, to which you slowly made your way back and tried your best to avoid people so you could go back to your room and clean yourself up, but Iida stormed up to you angrily the second you closed the door to the dorms.

"L/N where have you been?!"
Iida exclaimed and you had taken your headphones out before you entered the dorms so you dropped Otis and covered your ears to shield them form the noise.

"Iida don't yell!"
Midoriya said in a whisper yell and picked up Otis from the ground and dusted off some of the dried mud.

"I just wanted to practice the song one last time, I'm sorry Iida"
You apologized quietly and Iida just sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Whatever. Just make sure you tell us when you do leave"
Iida said before walking away and Midoriya stood infront of you, handing into back to you after you took your hands off you ears.

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