The Wrong Internship

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"Ummmm, Tokoyami. Please can you help me, I can't see"
You said warily cause like you said, you couldn't see fue to Hawks and his lack of understanding other people's quirk limits
"I would be happy to since you helped me"
Tokoyami replied and you felt an arm over your shoulder which was guiding you to the Hawks agency.
"Welcome to the best agency around!"
Hawks exclaimed while you heard two door slam open
"The sidekicks will show you to your rooms, I'll see you both in about an hour"
Hawks said and you heard four enthusiastic footsteps run towards of you
"Hello! Would you like to follow us to your rooms!"
Two very similar female voided said which you flinched at, but you were now able to see outlines of people so you tapped Tokoyami's arms to which he let go of you and you started to walk over to the two people
"Let's go"
You mumbled and grabbed onto Otis with one arm and holding your case with the other hand
"Just follow me miss!"
A high pitched girl said and you followed her outline out the main area and up some stairs and then to a long corridor
"Here you are miss, this is the key to your room, we'll see you in an hour"
She said sweetly and you clumsily took the key out of her hand and opened your door
"Shame I can't even see the layout of the room"
You sighed and put your case on your bed but it fell to the floor causing you to groan
"Stupid fucking eyesight"
You grumbled and picked up the case and put it back on the bed more carefully, opening the case to get changed when your phone rang.

You picked up your phone and accepted the call, putting it on loud speaker
You said and the person on the other like clicked their tongue
"Can you not see that I called you"
Katsuki said and you rolled your eyes
"Yes I can't see at all, even outlines are difficult to see"
You said sarcastically and Katsuki sighed on the other line
"Why did you overuse your quirk"
He said and you took your boots out of your case
"Cuz Hawks is a selfish prat. He made us fly to the agency and I had to use my quirk to make my wings and a dense cloud for Tokoyami since the bird can't fly"
You vented and he scoffed
"Damn, but your agency doesn't sound as bad as mine"
He said and you looked to outline of the phone
"What do you mean?"
You asked and even if you weren't next to him you could see him shaking with rage
"The bastard...combed my hair"
He grumbled and you had to hold in a laugh
"So you don't have spiky hair anymore?"
You asked and he hummed in response
"Pretty please can you send me a photo"
You pleased and he scoffed
"Absolutely not. I know you well, you'll use it as blackmail"
He reasoned and you laughed
"Your probably right about that"
You laughed and he sighed
"Alright, I'll talk to you later"
He said and you hummed
"Talk to you later"
You said back and he hung up the phone.

You got dressed and were now making your way down stairs and back to the main room of the agency. You could partly see now but your peripheral vision was still limited
"Ah, Cloud Nine, so glad you could make it"
Hawks and you rolled your eyes
"Haha, not a fan of jokes are you?"
He said and you looked at him
"Well it's not ideal that I can't see very well since you made me use my quirk on myself and Tokoyami to get here and overuse my quirk"
You retorted and his face changed
"Damn, my bad kid, I'll try and keep your limits in mind form now on"
He said and you gave him a small smile and a thumbs up
You said and you turned your head towards the door since it opened and Tokoyami entered
"Tsukuyomi, glad your here. Now that your both here, let's go"
Hawks said and started to walk out of the main doors
"We're gonna meet up with a friend, it's only about twenty minutes away, so try and keep up~"
Hawks sang and flew into the sky
"That fucking bastard..."
You mumbled and started to run after him.

"Wow, you two can both run pretty fast, I'm impressed"
Hawks praised and you gave him a dirty look while panting like a maniac
"Hehe, well we're her now so I'll be leaving you two here since I have work to do. See you two in a bit!"
Hawks yelled as he took off back to the agency
"I'm gonna cook that bastard into KFC"
You whispered under your breath and heard someone walking towards you, so you turned around and saw some with blue jeans up to his eyes
"Well, well, well. You two must be Hawkses interns"
The man said and you both nodded
"Great. Give me a moment while I get my internet, then we can go on patrol"
The man said while turning around and walking back inside. You looked at Tokoyami
"Who is that guy?"
You asked and Tokoyami sighed
"That is the number 4 hero Best Jeanest"
He explained and your eyes widened. You were about to say something when the doors were flung open and low and behold Bakugo Katsuki was wearing skinny jeans and has a comb over. you quickly took your phone out and snapped a couple pictures
"Hey mi amor"
You laughed and he turned towards you, turning bright pink and speeding towards you
He yelled and it just caused you to laugh harder
"I'm sorry! It was just surprising to see you like this, but you look good though"
You compliment and he went from bright pink to bring red and looked away from you
"See, she has the right idea"
Best Jeanest said and you smiled at him
"Thank you sir"
You smiled and Katsuki clicked his tongue
"What a facade"
He mumbled and you turned to him and punched his arm lightly
"That's mean"
You complained and Best Jeanest walked up to the two of you, Tokoyami following him
"Let's go, we have a patrol to do"
Best Jeanest said and you nodded, following him down then road.

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