Moving into the dorms

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Katsuki gently shook you and you lazily opened your eyes and looked at him
You yawned and he pulled your hood down off your head
"You need to go home and pack"
He said and you put your hood back up and closed your eyes
"I'm okay thank you"
You said and snuggled back into the hoodie
"No, get up"
He pulled you up and pulled the hood down again
You wined and he pinched your cheek
"I've already told you that, so I'm not saying it again"
He scolded and you scowled at him
"Your bullying me"
You mumbled and he let go of your cheek and tapped it
"Stop being a baby, you would know when I'm bullying you"
He smirked and got out of bed and so did you, he picked up your clothes and handed them to you
"Do you want the clothes back?"
You asked and he shook his head
"Keep em, they look better on you anyway"
He said and you smiled
"They smell like you"
You murmured and he pulled your hood back up
"I smell weird?"
He questioned and you shook your head
"It's like scorched caramel, it's really nice"
You smiled and he sighed
"Whatever, just go home and pack, the school is commin' round with a truck to take the stuff to the dorm"
He explained and you nodded
"Fine, I might see you later"
You yawned and walked out of his room and downstairs.
You were about to open the door when there was a very obnoxious cough behind you and Katsuki was looking at you with Otis in his hand
"Forgetting something?"
He said and you walked towards him and took Otis
You mumbled and he wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your nose
"No problem doll"
He said while letting you go and you walked to the door and opened it and left.

You yelled out in frustration, absolutely sick to shit of trying to pack up your belongings
"Why is so hard to pack!"
You exclaimed and looked around you.
You were sat on the floor in the living room with boxes all over the floor and you were packing all your belongings back into the same boxes as you originally had them in when you first moved into this apartment
"Okay, take a fucking breather"
You said to yourself and took a deep breath
"So I've done the kitchen, bathroom and I've nerly done the living room. So all I need to do is my bedroom, not much left"
You sighed and got a plastic bin bag and put balls of wool in them, and when the bag was full enough, you grabbed the hoover and took all the air out of the bag, and vacuum sealing the bag so it was flat and didn't take up too much room
"Hehe, I forgot how weird these looked flat"
You laughed and very carefully tied the end of the bag off and putting the flat bag into the wool box
"I did buy more wool, so everything might not fit"
And you were right, it didn't fit
"Why meee"
You wined and took the top bag of wool out of the box and untied it, trying to vacuum seal it more so that it will fit, and buy some luck and a bit of force, the box managed to close.

"I'm just too good"
You flicked your hair, feeling very proud of yourself that you managed to fit all the wool into the box
"And now on to the bedroom"
You sighed and stood up, walked into your room and took your clothes out of your wardrobe
"So I need to take all the coat hangers off the clothes and fold them really small"
You normally give yourself a little pep talk whenever you need to do something so that you can fully understand what you need to do.
You taken all the clothes off the coat hangers and put them into a box, now you were focusing on folding shirts, skirts and dresses since they were on hangers
"Shame I haven't worn any dresses yet, I like wearing floaty dresses"
You said to yourself and put the folded dress into the box that was on the bed and grabbed the final shirt, which was a skull shirt
"I don't think I ever took this, but whatever, it's mine now"
You shrugged and before you folded it, you smelled the shirt and sure enough, it smelled like scorched caramel
"Got this man need to make a candle"
You sighed and folded the shirt, putting it into the box and opened the draw that had your shorts and trousers.

"Fucking finally"
You sighed and flopped on your now bare bed
"I hope I get a good price for this place"
You said out loud and then was a knock at the door
You mumbled and walked out of your bedroom, into the living room and opened the front door
"Afternoon L/N"
Mr Aizawa sighed and you stepped to the side and let him in
"Afternoon sir, you alright?"
You greeted and he gave you a 'seriously' face
"I don't look that bad"
He huffed and walked into the apartment, sitting in the sofa
"I was just greeting you, no need to get defensive, sir"
You grumbled and sat in the armchair near him
"That's how you greet people?"
He raised an eyebrow and you sighed
"Only when I need to greet people, otherwise I don't say anything"
You explained and he gave a breathy laugh
"That's the best way to live"
He gave you a small smile and looked around your living room
"What brings you here?"
You asked and he stretched
"I wanted to pre warn you that the truck to pick up your belongings is almost here"
He explained and you nodded while standing up
"Cheers sir"
You smiled and he raised an eyebrow
You rephrased and he understood, he also stood up and walked to the door
"See you at school, L/N"
He said and then left your apartment.

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