The moment has finally arrived

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It was about a week till the entrance exam and you and Bakugo had gotten closer as friends, and you kept your promise to learn more about him, because you found out that he love anything spicy, he liked to cook and hiking.
You were laying on the floor in the woods, with your hands behind your head, and eyes closed. You felt something soft fall on your face, so you opened your eyes and saw Bakugo standing over you, and had just thrown Otis at your head.

"So kind, thank you blasty"
You said sarcastically, and he just scoffed and sat down next to you, and you looked at him
"Can I ask you something?"
You asked and he hummed in response
"Why don't you like Midoriya"
You could see him visibly tense
"Cause he's a quirkless looser who looked down on me. Why? Do you like him or something?"
He said in an angry yet disappointed tone. And you looked at him and just started belly laughing
You screeched and he was very confused. You took a deep breath and calmed down
"No I don't like Midoriya, quite the opposite actually. Like when you are near him he is like a stuttering mess, and when you do anything towards him he starts crying. Like come on man, get a grip"
You explained and his looked almost proud
"Oh and when you told him to take a swans dive off the roof of the building, I nerly burst out laughing"
You said and he patted your head. You figured that this was his way of showing affection. And you also found out that he never asked for hugs, but when he got one, he didn't want to let go. And you concluded that he is touch starved. And this is when you don't get enough psychical affection as a child. And his way of giving that affection was head oats and rubs, where yours were hugs.
"I knew there was something about you that I liked when I first saw you, and who knew that it would be my undying hated for Deku"
He said while laying down on the floor like you were earlier
"Well I guess I'm just a people pleaser, always here to make people happy"
You said while laying down like him, but Otis was on your chest looking at you.

"We should probably head back we've got the first written exam tomorrow"
Bakugo said while sitting up, you sighted and sat up too, Otis falling on to your lap
"What is the first exam anyway?"
You asked him
He grimmest, and you first pumped the air with a huge smile on your face
"I'm gonna ace maths with flying colours. I was the top in my maths class in secondary school, I was a proper sweat"
You said excitedly and Bakugo laughed at you
"Sweat? What the hell is a sweat?"
He said and you turned your body to face him
"Well, it is basically a person that is a try-hard. And in maths we would be given the work and I would always be the first one done'
You explained and he nodded understanding
"Teach me more slang"
He said and your eyes lit up
You yelled and he smirked at your enthusiasm
"To be honest, it is just to unders your british ass"
He tried to insult you, but you didn't take any notice and started teaching him the british slang.

"Alright that's your extra time over. Make sure to save your work and then send it to print"
The exam invigilator said, obviously bored out of her fucking mind. But who wouldn't be after sitting in silence for nearly three hours. But lucky for her and you, that was your final written exam, and tomorrow was the practical exam.
"Alright, you are free to go home now"
She said taking the exam paper and printed off version
"Thank you miss. Have a nice rest of your day"
You said before opening the door and waking to your locker.

You arrived at your locker finding Bakugo waiting for you there
"So, how did you find the exam, cheater"
He said playfully, and you rolled your eyes while getting your zip up jacket out of your locker
"I've already told you, I'm not cheating. I've been given extra time cause I'm mentally deficient"
You said and he chuckled, you put your zip up jacket over your uniform and put your laptop into your bag and getting Otis out of it. You both started to walk out of school when saw Midoriya running past the school gates, being followed by a section looking man on a Segway. You and Bakugo looked at each other and keeled over in laugher
You yelled laughing
Bakugo yelled back at you. And you both took a few minutes to stop laughing and walk home.

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