First Day at UA

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You woke up extra early that day. And there  was two reasons why:
1. It was your first day at UA, and you wanted to be early to avoid the crowds
2. To get back at Bakugo, and wake him up by splashing water on him

So you got ready, ate breakfast, and grabbed your things (+Otis) and quickly left the house, and made your way to the Bakugo household.
You had already told Mitsuki about your plan and she gave you a key to help out with your mission. When you arrived at the Bakugo household, Mitsuki and Masuru were both waiting for you to arrive.
"I have already got you a cup of water ready my dear!"
She squealed excitedly and Masuru shushed her
"We don't want to wake him do we?"
Masaru whispered and Mitsuki put her hand over her mouth
"Right, sorry"
She whispered and handed you the glass. They didn't want to watch just in case he thought that it was their idea, so you were in your own here. You made your way to Bakugo's bedroom and slowly opens the door. He was asleep in his bed, practically starfishing on the bed. You almost keeled over in laugher right there and then, but you kept your composure. You closed the door behind you and walked over to Bakugo
"Wakey wakey, sleepy head"
You whispered, but before you could throw the water on him, he sat up quickly and punched you in the throat, causing you to fall to your knees and drop the glass, resulting in you breaking it, still coughing violently. This brought you back to the slug villain attack, causing you to desperately try and catch your breath.

Bakugo yelled, trying to help you, but there was broken glass everywhere. He threw his duvet on the floor and keeled down next to you.
"I'm so sorry, I thought that you were coming to attack me"
He said rubbing your back, and you were slowly catching your breath, but couldn't speak yet.
After about 5 minutes of you trying to catch your breath, you tried speaking
"Have you got any water"
You said horsley, and he grabbed a bottle of water that was next to his bed, handing it to you
"Thank you"
You said then started to drink it slowly
"I'm so sorry"
He mumbled, putting his head down. And you put the bottle down and shuffled over to him, giving him a hug, and he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your neck
"Hey, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have done that, I should have known better"
You said softly, rubbing his back and you could feel something wet on your neck, causing your eyes to widen
"I'm such an idiot. I can't do anything right. All I do is hurt people"
He mumbled, and you started to stroke his hair
"I want you to listen to me. You do many so many things right. You are not an idiot. And you don't just hurt people, you help people to become better"
You said and he let go of you and didn't dare to look you in your eyes
"Look at me"
You said and he slowly looked up at you, tears streaming down his face. You wiped the tears off his face
"Believe me when I say this, no matter what you do, I'll always be here when you need it, no matter what you do to me, I'll always come back"
You said and he just latched onto you again, shoving his face into your neck
"Why are you so good at reassuring people?"
He questioned you, his voice was muffled, and you chucked a bit
"I believe that is because I'm autistic"
This caused him to laugh a little, making you smile.

After a while you left his room to get changed, and you made you way down the stairs into the living room where Mitsuki and Masaru were sat
"Sooooooo, how did it go?"
Mitsuki said and you sighed
"Not as well as I expected, but I still scared him. But I accidentally knocked the glass over and it smashed, sorry"
You said rubbing the back of your neck
"Oh it's fine dear, we break stuff all the time, it happens. Don't worry about it, I'll clean it up later"
Mitsuki said
"Are you sure you don't want me to clean it up, I did make the mess"
You offers and Mitsuki shook her head
"It's fine really, don't worry about it"
She said, and at that moment Bakugo walked into the room, he immediately walked up to you, giving you a hug, and you sighted reciprocated the hug. His parents quickly left the room, leaving you two alone
"You know, I think I've given you my autism"
You said and he looked at you
"I'm serious, I always want hugs, and now you want hugs. This is perfect"
You explained and he blushed, putting his face in your neck and mumbled something that you couldn't quite make out
"Can you repeat that please"
You requested, and he sighed
"Call me Katsuki"
He mumbled, and you blushed
"You sure?"
You asked, and he nodded
"Then call me Y/N"
You said and he mumbled something under his breath.

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