Well this isn't what I expected...

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It has been a week since you had moved to Japan, and it want smoothly without anything substantial happening. You set up your re-opend your Etsy shop to start selling your crochet items to earn a bit more cash just so you had some extra money if something bad happened, and as well as this you had a couple calls from your family and friends back home, but other than that you didn't talk to anyone else.

And here you were now, pacing back and forth in the toilets of Aldera Junior High, mentally preparing yourself for the interactions that will most likely happen when you enter your new classroom.

Both of your hands were by your sides and pulled into tight fists, you could feel your nails digging into your hand and luckily the nails weren't long enough to break the skin, but it still hurt. You were doing this to try and distract yourself from the panic rising in your chest and so far nothing had seemed to work.

You were on the verge of tears at this point, but you held off because you knew that if people found out that you had been crying, it wouldn't end well for you in the long run. So, you stopped pacing and unclenched your hands looking at the eight crescent shaped indents in your hand and walked towards the sink and slashed water on your face and then drying it with your sleeve.

This managed to calm you down enough so that you were able to go over what you were going to say when you walked into the classroom, would a simple 'Nice to meet you' be sufficient, or would 'I hope we can be friends' work better.

"Whatever, I'll just say 'Hello, it's nice to meet you all' and be done with it"
You said with an irritated tone, it really frustrated you how much you overthought things, but you couldn't help it cause it was your nature to overthink and this wasn't going to chance no matter how much you wanted it too.

You looked over to your bag that was still slumped on the floor where you placed it when you first entered the toilets and walked over to it, but before you picked it up you crouched down and opened it to pull out a little squishmallow that was designed to look like a turtle.

"Oh Otis, give me strength"
You pleaded to the stuffed animal while holding it with both hands and placing it to your forehead, you held it like that for a moment before kissing it and putting him into your pocket, then zipping up your bag an putting it over your shoulder.

You opened the door to the toilets and were hit by a sea of students, and that little hope if you making it to the classroom without crying vanished. But you reached for Otis in your picked and held him tightly and bit the bullet and left the toilets and waking with the flow of teenagers before you.

After what felt like forever, you managed to make it to the classroom that would be your new class till the end of the term. You waited outside just like the teacher instructed you to do when you visited the school a week ago, and he said that he would come out and bring you into the classroom while introducing you to the rest of the class.

You waited there still holding onto Otis in your pocket when the door opend and the teacher walked out.

"Come on in, I don't have all day"
He said with annoyance lacing his voice

'Wow, he really doesn't like me. Oh well he's got me now, sucks to suck I guess'
You thought, while following him into the classroom and only looking at the floor below you

"Okay everyone, we have a transfer student form the UK that will be joining our class for the rest of term. Her name is L/N Y/N, just do whatever you want with her, I don't care"
He said while walking towards his desk and sitting down into his chair and going into his phone

You gave a quick glance up to look at the class infront of you. There seemed to be hundreds of piercing eyes looking into your soul.
'Oh. My. Fucking. God... I can't do this'
You thought and you started to shake and your hands started to get sweaty
'I can't just stand here looking like a complete div, I have to say something'
But no matter how hard you tried, no words would come out, and silently walking towards the back of the classroom and taking the one and only empty desk available, and thanking your lucky stars and not to mention Otis, for you not crying or having a panic attack infront if everyone.

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