Hero course training

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You and Katsuki got to school slightly early that morning, still avoiding the crowd, but slowly getting you used to the busy school.
Just like yesterday, you both sat down at the desks and put your feet up, throwing Otis back and forth between you two.
Katsuki threw Otis back to you and you were about to catch it when Iida intercepted the throw and held Otis in one hand.

"Give it back now, Iida"
You said very sternly, Iida just looked at you with stern eyes
"Why do you have a toy anyway, isn't it a bit childish to have one"
He said in a taunting tone. You were starting to get anxious and was hitting the balls of your hands together
"Yeah I get it, I'm childish, now please give it back"
You begged, and Iida inspected Otis more
"Surely this isn't allowed. I'm giving this to Mr Aizawa"
Iida said, briskly walking towards Mr Aizawa, who was sat behind his desk, in his sleeping bag. You quickly followed him
"I really need him, Iida please"
You were almost hyperventilating at this point, but he didn't care
"Mr Aizawa, L/N had this with her, and I'm sure this isn't allowed in school, so I'm handing it into you"
Iida said and Mr Aizawa opens his eyes and looked at Otis in his hand and went from sleepy, to deadly stern
"Give it back immediately, Iida"
He said, and Iida was very confused
"But sir-"
Mr Aizawa interrupted, Iida reluctantly turned around and handed Otis back to you. You quickly pulled Otis to your chest and ran out of the room, but as you were leaving you heard Mr Aizawa say something to Iida, but you couldn't make it out.

You ran to the bathroom, not bothering if there were other girls in the bathroom or not, you just needed to get away from the classroom. So you locked yourself in the stall and slid down to the floor and held Otis with one arm and hitting your head with the ball of your other hand, trying to catch your breath
"L/N? Are you okay?"
You heard a girl's voice say and you reached for the door lock and unlocked the door and saw the pink girl form your class. She was quick to kneel down next to you
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. In through your nose and out through your mouth"
She said and you followed her instructions, you were catching your breath and the girl was wiping your tears with a tissue
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
She said sweetly
"Iida took Otis and wouldn't give it back, he was gonna give him to Mr Aizawa, he wasn't going to give it back, and, and-"
"Calm down, it's alright, you have him now don't you?"
She asked and you nodded
"Well there isn't anything to worry about now"
She said, and you hugged him tightly
"I guess your right"
You said quietly, she got up and offered you a hand, she helped you up and gave you a very tight hug. Which in this moment in time, you really didn't want.

You shrugged her off of you, and you could tell by the look in her eyes that she was hurt
"I'm sorry, I'm autistic, and at the minute I can't handle physical touch, I can give you a hug later if you want?"
You offered and her eyes lit up
She squealed, jumping up and down. Her reaction made you smile
"I'm Ashido Mina. But please call me Mina"
She said holding her hand out, you grabbed her had and shook it
"I'm L/N Y/N. But you can call me Y/N"
You were going to let go of her hand, but she held your hand tighter and pulled you out of the bathroom and towards the classroom.

You both entered the classroom and you immediately saw Iida sat at his desk, Mina let go of your hand and walked towards your desk but were stopped by a hand on your shoulder, you quickly shrugged it off before turning around to be met by Iida's stern face
"I want to apologize for my actions L/N, I didn't know your situation, and I am disgraced by my own actions"
He said bowing, and you looked at him
"Stand up please"
You said in a monotone voice, he stood up quickly and looked at you with an odd expression
"I down want you to pity me in any way, and don't treat me any differently than before. I don't want to be treated differently cause I'm a little scuffed up in the head. Got that?"
You said and he nodded, walking back to his seat. You went back to your desk and something knocked your foot. You looked and saw Katsuki.

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