Reported for a Day

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When you and Katsuki woke up, you both chatted for a while, about nothing in particular, but it was very comforting.
You both went downstairs at around 7:55, wanting to have a calm morning, but everyone was already in the common room, making you both in a slightly sour mood, but whatever.

Mr Aizawa walked into the dorms, surprising you to why he was here, but you forgot about that since Luna ran up to him and rubbed up against his legs, you could tell that this made Mr Aizawa melt, loving the attention form Luna and picked her up and put her on his shoulder.

"A news reporter is coming to document your class"
Mr Aizawa stated and you raised your eyebrows, holding Otis to your chest.

"We're gonna have to get glammed up!"
Hagakure exclaimed, and you thought that she didn't need to since she was invisible.

"Principal Nezu though that it would be a good idea to show the general public, and your parents or guardians how your adjusting to the dorm life"
Mr Aizawa explained, and you nodded, seeing someone walked around the corner and stand next to Mr Aizawa.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tokuda Taneo. I'm looking forward to learn all about you all"
The report smiled and you all bowed, saying 'Nice to meet you' in unison.

"While I'm here, just don't mind me and do what you normally do. Act if I wasn't here"
The reporter smiled, and you rolled your eyes, walking over to Mr Aizawa and he passed Luna back over to you, almost disappointed that he had to hand her back.

"I'll see you all in class"
Mr Aizawa said, and walked out of the dorms. You put Luna down on the floor and looked at the reporter, giving him a usual British smile (😐) and walked in the kitchen, grabbing a frying pan and spraying it with oil.

"I'm cookin' pancakes! Who wants some?!"
You called out, and at least half of the class said they wanted some, so you got all the ingredients out and made enough pancake batter for the class and cooked the pancakes for everyone who wanted some, and even made some for the reporter.

"Here, have some food"
You handed the reporter a plate steaming pancakes, and he put his camera down and taking the pancakes.

"Thank you. L/N right?"
He asked while taking a bite of the food you handed him and you nodded.

"That's me"
You smiled, and the reporter took a photo of you smiling, which made you uncomfortable, and you just smiled awkwardly and sat at the dining table next to Katsuki.

"Your tense, what's up?"
Katsuki asked and you just took a bite out of the pancakes.

"I'll tell you later, promise"
You said and he put his arm around your shoulders, rubbing the top of your arm when the reporter was crouched down at the end of the table, taking photos of the interaction happening between you two, and Katsuki understood why you were tense, and was angry.

"Leave us alone!"
Katsuki yelled and took his arm off your shoulder and started to scarf down his pancakes, and you are with more courtesy than him, but tried your best to ignore him, no matter how uncomfortable he made you.

And what made things worse, the bloody news reporter literally followed your class to school, and you decided to be really childish and act like a complete fool.

"Katsuki, can I get on your back"
You asked and he raised an eyebrow at you, leaning into his ear.

"If he wants to take photos of us, he can see the real me"
You smirked and he also smirked. He grabbed your bag form you and allowed you to get on his back, and when you did, he held the tops of your thighs, holding your skirt down just in case a certain grape was behind the two of you.
But you wrapped one arm around his neck and held Otis with the other arm, leaning in so you looked at him.

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