Saving you...but at what cost?

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The last two weeks have been going painfully slow, with no one to talk to except for the couple of times Bakugo called you a 'british bitch' or a 'useless nerd', no one spoke to you. Verbally at least. Cause everyday your friends would say they they were too busy to talk and that they would always call late, but it seemed that later never came. And your parents always said that they were busy with work, but still has time to message. It just didn't make sense. But right now it was a Friday and everyone was currently sat in class listening to the teacher ramble on about education after junior high.

"I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but why bother?"
He picked up the sheets of paper and threw them in the air
"I know you all want to got to the hero track!"
And with that the whole class erupted into cheer while they were all showing off their quirks
"Alright, alright, you know your not allowed to use your quirks in school. Get a hold of yourselves"
The teacher said an obvious smile on his face even though the whole class were breaking the rules

"Hey, teach! Don't lump me in with this buncha losers. I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-Lister. Heh"
Said by the one and only Katsuki Bakugo, as cocky as ever
'What a cocky blonde bastard'
You thought while rolling your eyes at him, but feeling jealous that he had the confidence to put his feet up ON THE DESK, and infront of the teacher too

"You think you're better than us, Katsuki?!" The class yelled at him.
'Yes. The answer is yes, he does think that he is better than all of you. And in the words of Mr G 'I'm better that all of you'. God I want his confidence'
You thought and sighted when you heard Bakugo say something along the lines of 'Ill take you all on', but you didn't care for what he said and you just concentrated on holding Otis and not making him visible to the other classmates.

" Well, you do have impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA High"
The teacher said and the students looked at him in shock
"Your applying for the national school?! That school has a .2% acceptance rate! It is impossible to get into!"
One guy yelled, the noise was starting to get too much for you and you were tempted to put your hands over your ears, but you knew that you could possibly hold off for a bit longer

"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me"
Bakugo started, and for some reason he thought that standing on his god damn desk would be a great place to finish his speech if wisdom. You cringed, getting second hand embarrassment form him standing on the desk.

"I aced all of the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll end up o more popular than All Might himself, and br the riches hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am. And it all starts with UA High!"
He finished his great speech, but his glory was short winded
"Oh yeah Midoriya, and L/N. Don't you two want to got to UA, too?"
The teacher said in a monotone voice, but that sly bastard knew the Bakugo didn't like you at all and he hated Midoriya even more. So your pretty sure that the teacher wanted to watch some drama unfold.

Your desk was next to Midoriya's so the whole class, the teacher, and of course Bakugo were intently looking at the both of you with blank stares for a few moments before bursting out into hysterical laughter. And the nose became too much for you and your hands flew up to your ears covering then form the loud noises around you, and you made sure to quickly put Otis into your desk first before shielding your ears.

"HAHAHA, L/N is just a special little weirdo who doesn't have a chance in hell at making it into UA! And Midoriya doesn't even have a quirk! Neither of them have a hope in the world about getting into UA!!!"
One guy shrieked, and his hurtful words made you tear up, truly believing what he said was true.
"W-Well, actually they got rid of the rule that says you can't get into UA without a quirk. I could be the first one to do it"
Midoriya said in a desperate attempt to make the others believe that he can do it, but his efforts were cut short by Bakugo's yelling and slamming one of his hands on your desk and the other on Midoriya's desk, exploding as his hands collided with the desks and causing Midoriya to fall off his chair and causing Otis to fly off the desk, but you quickly caught him and held him right to your chest with a blurry vision.

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