Hero Licence Exam And The Truth

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"We're almost there, so get your belongings ready"
Mr Aizawa declared and you just put your head down, holding Otis with one hand, and holding your hero case with the other.
You were sat at the front of the bus by yourself, people probably didn't sit next to you since you had your headphones on, and you were biting your lip and bouncing your legs.
Most people would have classes it as anxiety, but this was a mixture of anxiety and autism. You could feel your school clothes clinging to your skin, making your already damaged arms itch like crazy, and to make matters worse, the bus was extremely loud, making it extremely easy to become overstimulated.

"Everyone off"
Mr Aizawa instructed and you quickly stood up and got off the bus, Mr Aizawa following you close behind
"Hey are you alright?"
He asked you, and you just shook your head
"Do you wanna tell me what it is?"
He asked and you anxiously looked at all the new people crowding the area around you
"Just stay by me, you'll be fine"
He smiled and you saw that a guy was headbutting the ground infront of your class.

"He's weird, I don't like him"
You said quietly and Mr Aizawa smiled and looked at you
"Very judgy, but-"
A woman's voice called out and Mr Aizawa cringed, she walked up to you two and stood infront of Mr Aizawa
"Let's get married"
She smiled and your jaw dropped
Mr Aizawa replied dryly and she burst out laughing, and then smiled at you
"Is she your daughter?"
The woman asked and reached out a hand to you which you quickly hid behind Mr Aizawa
"You're impossible Joke, and no she isn't. Please keep away from her"
He instructed causing her to take two obnoxious steps back
"Hey, if I was your wife, you'd have a life full of consent laughter"
Joke smiled while putting her thumb up at you two
"That would be and actual nightmare"
Mr Aizawa sighed and she burst out laughing again.
You didn't like this woman one bit.

"Oh my god! It's Class A!"
Some kid with black spiky hair exclaimed and you groaned, causing Mr Aizawa to turn to you
"I'm actually gonna kill myself"
You complained and he nodded
"Suicide packed?"
He offered and you laughed lightly, nodding at him.
The black haired guy walked up you your class and gushed over you all
"Oh Bakugo, and L/N. You two were so brave when being with the league of villains"
He smiled and made his way over to you, and with one swift motion, he took your headphones of your head and put them around his neck
"I think you need to listen to me"
He smiled and you tried to grab the headphones but he dodged out of the way
"Don't be difficult now"
He smiled and put a hand on your shoulder, which you shoved him off, and your breath quickened, feeling the defending sound of chatter overwhelming you
"Shindo, just leave her, she's just a useless speccy anyway"
A blonde girl snarked and Shindo obnoxious snapped the headphones on your ears before walking away.

Someone put a hand on your shoulder and you quickly shoved it off and turned to see who it was. Katsuki.
You exclaimed with a fake smile, obviously trying to act calmed even though you could narl resist the urge to scratch at your skin
"Listen, I-"
"Stop standing around and go change for the exam"
Mr Aizawa interrupted, and you held onto Otis tighter
"Good luck Bakugo"
You said quickly and hastily made your way inside the exam center, heading straight towards the changing rooms.

People. Oh so many people.
Everyone who was taking the hero licence exam was standing in a room, and it was packed tighter than a tin of sardines, you were so an it made you feel sick, scratching the tops of your arms since your forearms were still healing.
You were stood in the corner of the room. The furthest away from the front where the exam guy was, and because you were wea your headphones, you couldn't hear him well at all, just some mumbled words and every so often you made out a fill sentence
"The first 100 students will pass this exam"
You hears the man yawn and you scratched harder, and that sick feeling just got worse
"You'll have these targets on your body, and using these balls, you will hit them on the targets to get that persone out"
The man said and there was a demonstration of what you needed to do behind him, which made you understanding what you were required to do much easier
"Make sure you defet two people to pass the exam"
He yawned and then the walls opens up around you, causing you to panic
"Take your targets and place them on your body"
He yawned again, and toy made sure to keep your distance from the large group and put the targets on your body.

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