The Big Three

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Katsuki was being proper bitchy the next morning, being very snappy at everyone and everything, and this was all because of his house arrest. He even snapped at you at breakfast, which put you in a sour mood also.

This morning was a whole school assembly, it didn't say a anything important, and because you were in an agitated mood, you were standing off to the side next to the teachers, but you had one headphone off your ear so you could still listen to what the assembly was about, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet, holding Otis to your chest.

Mr Aizawa didn't care for the assembly also, so you both were people watching, not saying anything, but you followed each other's eyes and could tell who the other person was judging.

When the assembly finished everyone went back to class, starting with the third years, then the second years, and then the first years. But this was perfect time to judge people with Mr Aizawa.

"She looks like a bit-"
You cut yourself off, not wanting to swear infront of a teacher, when he looked at the girl who you were talking about, and cringed.

"She does look like a bitch"
Mr Aizawa smiled and you smiled back, but stopped smiling when someone shoved your shoulder quite forcefully, knocking you to the floor and scraping your knees. And when you looked up to see Monoma smiling at you snarkily.

"Sorry, but you were-"
"Monoma, go to principal Nezu's office. Now"
Mr Aizawa said bitterly, wrapping his capture scarf around his body, to keep him from walking back to class.

Mr Aizawa let Monoma go, and Monoma stomped to principal Nezu's office
"Are you alright?"
Mr Aizawa asked, offering a hand to you, which you took and he helped you to your feet.

"I really, really, don't like Monoma"
You grumbled and Mr Aizawa sighed, signaling you to walk back to class.

"I'll make sure to tell Vlad about this"
Mr Aizawa said, and you put the other headphone on your ear.

On your walk back to class, both your knees was stinging so you looked and saw the bloodied state of your knees, making you cringe at the sighed, which wasn't very pretty since there was blood trickling down your leg and your socks were soaking it up. But whatever, you had other pairs, so there was no point crying over spilled milk.

You weren't really paying attention when you got back to class, just completely zoned out and staring at the floor in-between desks. You weren't thinking about anything in particular, infact, you weren't even thinking about anything. But you were brought back to reality when presents Mic burst through the door and yelling, making you jump out of your skin.

"Let's get on with English!"
Presents Mic exclaimed and you saw Mr Aizawa slowly close the classroom door as he left, locking eyes with you and you mouthed 'Help me', which he just smirked, waved to you slowly and shut the door behind him, leaving you to suffer in with the loud banana looking fella who was going to teach you English.

The school day was agonizingly slow, completely draining your social battery for the day. And you didn't want to talk to anyone when you got back to the dorm, and all you wanted to do was to was just relax and crochet. But the your selfish classmates were being so fucking loud.

Katsuki yelled, making you jump and cover your ears over your headphones, but you dropped your crochet work on top of Luna, waking her up.

"Sorry Kacchan-"
Katsuki interrupted Midoriya and he stood up quickly, running to clean the windowsill's.

You clenched your teeth while putting your head down, trying desperately to shield your ears from the loud atmosphere around you. Luna was probably your only thing that was keeping you slightly calm, but she didn't like the yelling and jumped out the window, leaving you to crumble like a packet of broken biscuits.

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