Summer Camp From Hell

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"Good morning everyone. Your goal for this camp it to improve your quirks and gain a hero licence so you can work as heros in the future"
Mr Aizawa explained and turned to Katsuki
"Look alive, Bakugo"
Mr Aizawa warned while throwing him a ball
"The first time you threw a ball it was 705.2 meters. Let's see if you've improved"
Mr Aizawa said and Katsuki smirked, looking at you through the corners of his eyes while walking to throw the ball
"No one blink. You might miss it"
Katsuki smirked and prepared for his throw
He yelled while propelling the ball at an alarming speed, making a large explosion which made you flinch but smile excitedly afterwards, holding spud closer to your chest and bouncing on the balls of your feet.
When the ball landed, Mr Aizawa looked almost disappointed
"That was 709.6 meters"
Mr Aizawa sighed and Katsuki looked positively furious
"...That was only a .6 percent increase, with about a 4.4 meter increase. Yikes"
You mumbled to yourself and your classmates around you were also muttering and Katsuki's poor increase
"Your quirks haven't really increased"
Mr Aizawa smirked
"This next week is going to be hell. You'll all feel like your dying...let's hope you all survive"
Mr Aizawa explained and you felt a ping in dread inside you, regretting going on this trip.

One of the pussycats called tiger yelled at you, and you were on your knees, hands out to the sides, shaking with the amount of pressure you body way going through.
Everyone I'm your class as well as Class B had been training for hours. You were working on increasing the amount and density of clouds, and you had been doing this for the past two hours,.
You had previously been training with Kirishima, practically using him as a punching bag but used different cloud weapons, and you both thought that it was working out fine...but tiger had different ideas
Tiger yelled again and you yelled out in pain, pushing your body to make denser and more cloud, you kept this up for about five minutes when a whistle blew
Tiger yelled and you took the cloud back into your body, pretty much absorbing it like a sponge, and when you did, you felt like you were going to collapse, so you put your hands on the floor infront of you to steady yourself, your head down and started to breath heavily
"Well done, you did good today. I'll get Pixiebob to bring us back since you can't see"
You had to be taken far away from your class since you were making cloud all around you, they wouldn't be able to see their training.
You felt the ground shift beneath you and after about a minute, it stopped moving and someone put a hand on your shoulder
"Do you want me to get someone to help you back?"
Tiger asked and you nodded slowly
"The one with the explosion quirk"
You whispered weakly, then you him walk away from you and return a few minutes later, hearing two sets of footsteps
"Your a mess"
You heard Katsuki chuckle but you didn't respond to him, and you felt something drip from your eyes and roll down your cheek and dubbed it as tears, but you didn't feel sad which confused you
"Up you get"
You felt someone put their hands under your armpits and pulled you to your feet and you nerly fell over in the process
"Jesus Christ, it's like your-"
He cut himself off when you lifted your head up, obviously you caught him off guard considering that you were crying
"Damn, is me crying really catching you off guard?"
You gave a weak chuckle and touched a wet patch on your face where the tear drop was and licked the tear off your finger, expecting to taste the usual saltines of your tears, but they weren't salty
"Y/N...your crying blood"
You could hear Katsuki's voice shaking and he held onto your arms and you began to panic
"A-Am I going to go blind"
You started to panic now, thinking that you will bever be able to see again
"You need to calm-"
You interrupted Katsuki, frantically wiping the bloodied tears off your face, most likely smearing the blood over your face, making it worse
"What's going on here?"
You heard Tiger asked but neither you or Katsuki said anything, Tiger must have seen the continuous stream of bloody tears on your face and connected the dots
"We need to get her to Eraserhead immediately"
Tiger said sternly and you felt someone pick you up and ran somewhere, you still hyperventilating and not getting any air into your lungs
"What's going on?"
You heard Mr Aizawa say in a very concerned voice and whoever was carrying you put you down on what you presumed to be a bench
"Breath L/N, you need to try and calm yourself down"
Mr Aizawa tried to calm you down but it didn't work, and both your legs started to rapidly bounce up and down, with you forcefully hitting the balls of your hands together
You managed to choke the words out, gasping for breath desperately
"You need to breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth"
Mr Aizawa said calmly, and he must have crouched down infront of you since he put both of his hands on your knees, stopping them form bouncing.

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