Date Part 1

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You asked, his statement really caught you off guard, and he just seemed to go more pink.

"We've been together for a while, and I have never taken you out. So go on a date with me"
Katsuki explained, looking away form you and you smiled.

"You know, you don't have to do this"
You said, still kind confused at his sudden confidence boost.

"But how do you know that I love you?"
He mumbled and you sighed, looking over to where Kirishima, Sero and Denki were sat.

"I knew those fools said something"
You grumbled and went to stand up but he held your hand tighter, keeping you seated.

"As stupid as they are, they have a point. I don't know anything about you"
He said and you raised an eyebrow, confused at what he was talking about.

"You do know things about me"
You said and he started to hit his leg with the ball of his hand.

"The obvious shit, but not the personal shit"
He said, and turned to face you again.

"Tell me the stuff you know about me"
He instructed and you thought for a moment.

"Your a fan of All Might. You like anything spicy. Favorite colour is orange, I'm pretty sure. Your birthday is in April-"
"See what I mean, you know so much stuff about me, and I don't know shit about you"
He interrupted, clearly frustrated and you nudged him with your shoulder.

"If you wanted to know more about me, you could have just asked, you know"
You smiled and he just pouted, clearly not getting the outcome he wanted.

"Just please, let me do this for you"
He pleaded quietly and you put your head on his shoulder.

"Sure, why not"
You said and he gave a sigh of relief, letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

"Dinner's ready!"
Iida exclaimed and you sniffled clinging he air, smelling what is being served.

"It smells alright, but we've made better"
You whispered to Katsuki and he smirked.

"Your not wrong"
He smirked stood up, pulling you up with him and Luna fell off his lap.

"C'mon, let's eat"
He said and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the dinner table, and sitting down, and you next to him.

The next day, you were woke up by the curtains bring thrown open, light shining on your face like you were being interrogated. You groaned and covered your head with the covers, but they were forcefully dragged off of you.

"Piss off"
You grumbled, and whoever woke you up laid down on top of you, repeatedly kissing your cheek.

"You don't want to get rid of me do you?"
Katsuki said dramatically and you turned to look at him with a tired face.

"You don't want my answer"
You mumbled sleepily, and he turned you so that you were laying on your back and he straddled your waist.

"You need to turn that smile, upside down"
He said obnoxiously and you cringed.

"Never, EVER, say that again- and why are you being so nice today? Its weird"
You stated and he grabbed both your hands and pulled you up, so that you were pulled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple.

"I went you to be in a good mood since I'm taking you out today"
He declared and now you were immediately awake.

You asked and he smiled, bopping your nose.

"Silly girl, don't you remember, I said I would take you out on a date, so we're going out today. Honestly, I can't believe you forgot"
He teased and you leaned back over his arms, stretching.

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