The aftermath of the sports festival

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You were stood behind the teachers as they took Katsuki's restraints off, and when they left you stepped forward
"Take the medal out of your mouth"
You said while holding your hand out and he roughly passed you the medal
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
You questioned and she shook his head roughly and you nodded slightly
You mumbled and Midnight walked towards the two of you, holding Otis and your phone
"Mr Aizawa said he wants to talk to your whole class before you all go"
Midnight said while handing you your belongings, you took them and started to walk back to class, still holding Katsuki's gold medal.
You, Katsuki and Todoroki made it back to class and everyone looked at you all with excited eyes
"Congratulations guys! Your all so manly for getting this far!"
Kirishima said and you smiled at him
"Take your seats"
Mr Aizawa said in a monotone voice and when everyone sat down he sighted
"Well done for completing the sports festival. You all will have two days off to recover. Make sure you get some well deserved rest"
And everyone replied with a 'Yes sir' and left to go the changing rooms
"Congrats Y/N, you did great against Bakugo!"
Mina said while you were getting changed and you nodded
"She's right. But if you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with Bakugo? He looked almost scared and wouldn't talk to anyone afterwards. Ribbit"
Tsu said and you shrugged
"I guess we're friends"
You said and they all nodded

"Take care guys"
You said and the other girls waved goodbye to you and you started to walk to the train station. You had your headphones in and were listening to a podcast while you waited for the train when someone flicked the back of your head. You turned around and took one earbud out
"Hello Katsuki"
You said while turning off the podcast and taking your other earbud out. He just looked away and didn't respond to you, and you took this as your chance to shut up. Neither of you said a word the whole train ride home and when you made it to his house
"I know you don't want it, but neither do I really. So here"
You said with holding out his medal and he reluctantly took it. You smiled while turning away
"See you soon"
You said while waving to him from behind making your way home.

"Damn, that was a really big blast..."
You mumbled while watching the recording of the sports festival. When Midnight proclaimed Katsuki the winner, like Tsu said earlier, Katsuki looked scared- no, horrified
"Shit shit shit. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have been so careless"
You said while putting your head in your hands
"All I portrayed myself as is a stupid speccy who can't even win a fucking fight"
You said while standing up and taking a Smirnoff Ice out of the fridge, opened it, and you slumped to the floor with your back resting on the fridge
"Should I just drink myself into an oblivion?"
You questioned yourself taking a swig of the drink
"Heads I do, tails I don't. Hey Google. Flip a coin"
You said out loud
"The coin said tails"
The Google replied and you signed and took another swig
"That's a shame, I was really looking forward to it"
You said and stood up
"Fuck it. I'm doing it anyway, I don't drink often anyway"
You said while taking a few cans of cider, Pimm's and bottled of Smirnoff Ice and slumped back down on the fridge, raising your half drunken bottle of Smirnoff Ice in the air
"Cheers on getting third, you stupid bitch"
You said in a monotone voice and downing the rest of the drink
"It's gonna be a long night..."

You don't know how long you were drinking for, but now you were pissed out of your mind, but you couldn't do anything but just sit in your own self pity. You had heard your phone ring, and ring, and ring for about 20 minutes now, but you couldn't move to answer it.
You were surrounded by empty cans and bottles, with a few still unopened and a half finished can of cider in your hand, just feeling numb. You heard a knock at your door, you couldn't even move your head to look at the door, there was another knock but more harder this time and you still didn't respond, you heard the front door unlock and heard footsteps run towards you
"Y/N, what's going on?!"
Someone yelled and you tried to look up but your head slumped back forward, they took the bottle out of your hand and put it on the side while putting the empty cans and bottles in the bin before returning back to you, pushing your forehead backwards and you finally saw who was in your house. Katsuki
You slurred and tried to stand up but fell back over again. Katsuki put his hands under your armpits and pulled you to your feet. You grabbed the countertop and shuffled to the glass cupboard
"What are you doing?"
Katsuki asked while walking to assist you
You slurred while pointing to the glass cupboard
"Give me a second"
He said while taking a glass to the sink and filling it with water, handing it to you
He said and you grabbed the glass with two hands and started to drink it slowly. You finished the water and put it down on the side, you felt less pissed they earlier but still drunk
"Idiot. I should have eaten first"
You slurred while making your way over to the crisp cupboard and grabbing a packet of crisps and started to eat them
"Why should you have eaten first?"
He asked and you looked at him still eating the crisps, feeling better
"You get drunk faster with an empty stomach"
You slurred and tipped the rest of the crisps into your mouth.

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