Final Exam Preparation

540 21 4

"Welcome back everyone! I hop you all learn something from your internship. But today's lesson in basic hero training is to show how you have improved your quirks from your internship, at going Gamma!"
All Might exclaimed and you all replied with a 'Yes sir'
"You all will be in groups of five and make your way through the maze of the grounds and make your way to where I will be located, use your quirks to it's fullest. But make sure you keep damage to a minimum"
ALL Might said while pointing at Katsuki
"Why are you pointing at me?"
Katsuki asked through gritted teeth and All Might didn't answer, but loaded up who was in group one :
All Might exclaimed and the five set off, everyone thought that Midoriya was gonna loose, but Midoriya was using his quirk without breaking his bones, he was flying through the air, and it was familiar. Then it hit you
"Katsuki... he's using your moves..."
You whispered to him but he was already shaking with rage
"While I was getting groomed, he actually learned something..."
He said through gritted teeth and hovered a hand over his shoulder
"Try not to worry-"
You cut yourself off when Katsuki hit your hand away from his shoulder and walked away from you. This definitely dampened your mood, but you didn't let it show.

The next group was :
You weren't really worried about Kirishima, Jiro or Denki, but were more worried about Katsuki since he could easily get around this complex terrain, but so could you
"Team two...GO!"
All Might exclaimed and you quickly made yourself into cloud, phasing through the pipes around you, and when you got into the sky, you made some cloud wings and started to fly like that.
You didn't notice Katsuki behind you until a large explosion scorched your back, causing you go yell out in pain
"Your not winning this one!"
Katsuki yelled and flew straight passed you
"And neither are you!"
You yelled back and lassoed around his waist, pulling him back, and you overtook him again.
The two of you went back and forth like that, and you both were so distracted that Kirishima ended up winning
"Damn, I really thought I had that"
You complained and Kirishima snickerd at you.
The third team consisted of :
Shoji was the winner of this challenge, and you were presently surprised since he didn't really stand out to you
Then final team consisted of :
Todoroki came out victorious and you weren't surprised by it at all since he was Endeavor's son.

You were in the changing rooms after class and all the girls were talking
"So Y/N, your from the UK, right?"
Momo asked and you nodded while putting your shirt on
"If you don't mind me asking, can you teach me some slang?"
She asked and the other girls joined in and asked as well
You said with a smile, sitting down on the chang room bench
"So these are more swear word slang, but hey ho. A wanker is used for someone who is an idiot. For example 'You bloody wanker' "
You explained and they nodded with excitement
"The next one is knobhead, this is used to describe someone who is also an idiot, for example 'Oh stop being a total knobhead' "
You were about to carry on when you heard yelling from the boys changing rooms next door
"I wanna see Yaoyorozu's curves. Ashido's slender waist. Hagakure's floating underwear. Uraraka' super-fine body. Asui's unexpectedly soft boobies. And Y/N's juicy thighs!"
You heard Mineta yell and Jiro used one of her jacks to stab Mineta in the eye, you heard him scream and quickly got ready
"What a fucking cunt"
You muttered under your breath while grabbing your school bag and Otis before storming out of the changing rooms and back to the classroom.

The final school bell rang and you quickly stood up and left the classroom, but in your rush you bumped into someone
You said and started to walk away when the person laughed, causing you to stop and look back at them
"Well, well, well, this is the speccy from Class A, L/N Y/N"
A blonde guy said and you scowled at him
"Just piss off, you blonde piece of shit"
You spat and he laughed
"You really think your better than me? HA! Your a complete fool then, just because your in Class A doesn't change who you really are, a stupid, mentally challenged speccy"
He spat and you stormed up to him and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him on the wall next to you
"If you ever, and I mean EVER, call me that again, you won't live to tell the story"
Venom lacing your voice and you let go of his neck and he dropped to the floor coughing
"I'll tell the principal, you'll be expelled!"
He threatened and you scoffed, not even turning around but giving him the bird from over your shoulder
"Cry me a river!"
You yelled out to him and walked out the main doors and to the train station.

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