Date Part 2

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As you were walking, you found a little 7/11 and remembered that you were still hungry, and also quite thirsty. So you took your bag off of your back and checked how much money you had in your purse, and you had enough to buy something that you would enjoy and walked into the shop, immediately going to the sushi and grabbing some, as well as a small bottle of peach tango and payed for your food before leaving.

You had put your sushi and drink in your bag, so you were just holding Otis when you walked out the 7/11 and into the nearest park. There were still a lot of judgy people around, and you found a little pathway that lead into the woods, and it intrigued you. So you decided to have a little detour and find out where this path leaded to.

After about 10 minutes of walking, the path lead to a field with a few flowers and a few trees.

You mumbled and walked to one of the trees and sat under it, crossing your legs and taking your bag off your back, taking out your lunch and drink and starting to eat it, enjoying the sounds of bird song.

You had put your sushi on the ground next to you and opened your drink, taking a sip of it, watching as happy children played in the park, without a care in the world.

You ruin everything

"I'm so pathetic"
You mumbled, talking a piece of sushi and eating it, bringing your knees to your chest, Otis resting in-between your knees and your chest.

Finishing your food, your rested your forehead on your knees, generally just wallowing in yourself pity and you heard someone walk up to you and sit down beside you.

"Cloud for brains"
You heard Katsuki say and you lifted your head up to look at him, kinda annoyed that he followed you but still pleased that he was here.

"I told you not to follow me"
You grumbled, resting the side of your head on your knees so you were looking at him without using any energy.

"Your not the boss of me, I have free will"
He sassed and you rolled your eyes, putting your forehead back on your knees.

"Stop sulking, your gonna give yourself wrinkles, and then you will want to use my moisturizer"
He said, flicking the back of your head and you sighed, leaning back so you rested your head on the tree trunk and he shuffled closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him so that you were leaning up against him.

You sniffled and and he rested the side of his head on top of yours, reaching out and linking his fingers with yours, and he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it gently.

"It's alright doll, you don't have to worry about useless extras who don't mean anything"
He said and you had to hold back your tears, otherwise your make-up would run.

"Can we go back now"
You whispered and he nodded pulling you up with him, putting your bag on your back, holding Otis with one arm and holding Katsuki's hand with your other.

"Let's go"
He said and you both started walking down the path that you walked down earlier.

As you both walked, you noticed a lavender bush which made you stop walking, and so did Katsuki.

"What's wrong?"
He asked and you let go of his hand, walking over to the lavender and keeling down infront of it.

You said while smiling a little, picking a little lavender and bringing it up to your nose to smell it.

"You like the smell of lavender?"
He asked and you nodded, turning around to face him and smiled.

"My parents grow lavender at home, so it reminds me of home"
You explained and stood up, handed him the lavender in your hand, and he put the lavender in your hair above your ear.

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