Enterence exam

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The buss arrived at center A after about 5 minutes, which gave you enough time to collect yourself make sure that Otis was in your bag securely, and the girls and boys were separated and brought to changing rooms to change into more appropriate clothing that school uniform.
After changing you net back at the huge gate and net back up with Bakugo, and you suggested that to should do people watching, and take this as an opportunity to judge people.

"Okay, you see that guy over there, the one with the purple hair?"
You asked and hee found that guy that you were talking about and nodded
"He is a budget purple minion from Despicable Me"
You said and he started laughing, you quickly following him
"Okay, okay, my turn"
He said calming down, and you were holding in your laughter at this point
"You see that girl-"
"Right, let's start! Get moving!"
Bakugo was cut off by Present Mic, and the exam gates started to open
"There are no countdown in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners!"
This is when Bakugo grabbed your arm and started running towards the gate, getting what he was trying to do, you started running and he let go of you
"Your wasting airtime here"
Presents Mic said but it was far off now, and you could here people running behind you two.

"We will go separately, meet back at the gate later"
You said,panting slightly, and he nodded, using his quirk to propel himself away faster. This have you an idea. You made cloud surround your feet, and as you were running, you started to run in the air.
'This was a great idea, now I can see where the robots are'
Yon thought, going straight to a 3 pointer, you decided to make a giant cloud underneath it and lift it up into the air, and let it fall to the ground, gaining yourself 3 points.

You were doing fine overall point wise, but you were definitely feeling lightheaded, but you powers through.
"Okay, that's 6 minutes gone! 4 minutes left!"
You turned your head, slightly confused to why there was a timer, but then you remembered that you were in the entrance exam. Shaking your head, you used your cloud feet to quickly run to a 2 pointer and engulfed it in cloud before dismantling it, then making it solid again, but with it's parts scatters around the place.
"Okay, that should be about-"
You were cut off by a scream and you looked to see that the 0 pointer was coming into view. You noticed that people started to run away from the danger, but still a few people were frozen in fear.
You quickly took action, making little clouds and swept the frozen candies away from the robot, and you put up a cloud forcefield infront of you and used all your strength to push the robot back, resulting in the robot to crash into a fake building, destroying it.

You looked around you, feeling like the world was spinning, and to make it worse, you couldn't remember what you were doing here.
"Hey, cloud for brains, you good?"
Bakugo asked, while walking up to you, and you just looked at him with a blank stare
"Huh, oh Bakugo your here too. Do you know where we are?"
You asked him and he looked completely shocked
"We are at you entrance exam, how did you forget that?"
He asked and you shrugged your shoulders
"One minute remaining!"
Presents Mic yelled and your eyes widened
"Shit, do I have enough points"
You mumbled and Bakugo just put his hand on your shoulder
"Don't worry, I'm sure you have enough"
He said, then he wiped his face with the back of his hand, but his palm was still smoking slightly
"All right, that's time!"
Presents Mic said, and Bakugo smirked, and you malfunctioned
'Oh damn that was hot'
You thought blushing slightly, and Bakugo grabbed your rist and dragged you to the gate of the exam center
"You need to get changed, meet me out here when you are done"
He said while walking into the mens changing room, and you made your way to the female changing room.

You made your way out of the changing room and was met by Bakugo leaning against a wall
"We can get back on the bus now"
You said in a monotone voice, walking away, and Bakugo followed you on to the buss and sat down next to you
"You sure you good, your acting weird"
He said and you looked at him realizing that you were indeed acting weird
"Just a quirk drawback. I get brain fog and light headed"
You explained and he nodded looking away. This made you think about his quirk drawbacks. Cause Bakugo uses his arms for his quirk, they must get painful, right?
So without thinking you grabbed his forearm and started massaging the muscle, to hopefully relieve the tension
"W-What the hell do you think your doing?!"
He wisper-yelled at you, with a huge blush on his face
"Helping with your quirk drawback. You get tense muscles correct? So I'm relieving the tension in them"
You replied nonchalantly and he just seemed to accept his fate and laid back in his seat, and closed his eyes.

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