The Reality Of Being A Hero

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The next morning, you were woke up by Luna tapping your nose with her paw, which was nice to wake up instead of her biting your nose, chin or cheek like she usually does.

"Hey Sweetheart"
You said sleepily and something tightened around your waist and you looked down and saw a red faced Katsuki.

Katsuki question and you laughed lightly, causing Luna to jump off your chest and Katsuki looked up at you.

"I was talking to the cat. But I can call you that if you like"
You smile and he flared a darker red and looked away from you.

"N-No way!"
He exclaimed and quickly got out of bed and went to your bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

You stretched and checked your phone and saw that you were added to a group chat, called '🍜Work Study🍜' and there was only four people on the chat, you, Kirishima, and two contacts you didn't know.

🍜Work Study🍜

Hey! Fat Gum here!

I made this group chat
so I can quickly contact you
all 🙂

Fine with me!

I'm supper pumped for next
Saturday when we have work
study's again ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ

"Okay, so it's Fat Gum and Amajiki, I'm guessing"
You said to yourself and Katsuki exited the bathroom and flopped back on the bed, getting under the covers and you opened out your arm, to which he graciously accepted the scoop and snuggled into the side of your chest.

"Do you have extra classes today?"
You asked and he went quiet, and you took his silence as a yes.

"It's 9:30 now, and I think you should get ready to go"
You said and he groaned, hiding his face and you rubbed his back.


"Shhhhhh, sleep"
He interrupted, lifting up a hand and placing a finger to your lips.

"You need to go to them"
You said while taking a hand off your lips and held it. He looked up at you with a scowl in his face.

"I'm working with icy hot, fucking icy hot"
He ranted and linked his fingers with yours.

"You could be working with Midoriya. Always make light of a situation, even if it is a shit one"
You said and he brought the hand that you were holding to his lips, kissing the back of it.

"Gandi must have been your past life, you keep spitting inspirational shit"
He said and you let go of his hand, bringing your hand up to his head and brushing his fringe out if his face.

"I say I'm Dr Seuss"
You smiled and kissed his forehead.

"But, your gonna have to go to these classes, sweetheart"
You teased and he  grabbed your wrist that was on his head and he turned the tabled on you, pinning both your hands above your head and straddling your waist.

"Stop. Calling. Me. That. I've already told you once, so behave, sweetheart"
He said and you quickly leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

You smiled at him innocently and he just signed, pulling you up into a hug which you wrapped your arms around him and held you tightly.

Bakugo X Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now