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It was finally the end of your very shitty first day at Aldera Junior High, and since lunch you didn't let Otis out of your hand because you were so on edge due to what Bakugo said earlier.

As you walked out of the front doors of the school, you quickly messaged your friends group chat to see if anyone was available to talk, but you were interrupted by a very harsh shove of your shoulder and heard them mutter the word 'bitch', and you obviously knew that it was Bakugo and didn't want st start anything now so you just let it go. And with that, you put your phone back into your pocket and walked back to your apartment.

Time skip of about 20 minute

When you finally arrived at your apartment, the first thing you did was go to the fridge and get out a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, cause after the day you had, you bloody deserve it.

You sat on your sofa with Otis in your lap, a drink in one hand and your phone in your other. You were looking at the messages that you received from your friends:

Live laugh lovers

Is anyone available to talk
at the moment, I had a really
shit day and I want to talk to
someone about it.

Sorry but I'm a bit busy
at the moment, I'll definitely
call you later I promise xxx

I'm out walking the dog, be back
soon so I will be able to talk then 😊

I'm at work sorry, maybe later?

I'm about to go into a movie, sorry
can't talk now

I'm cooking tea currently, how
about we all do a group call later?

Do whatever is best for
you guys, I'll always be free
to talk.

You may sound rude or not bothered at times, but deep down, you don't need it... at least not all the time...

"What do I do now? I have no one to talk to, and it is only Monday so I can't drow my sorrows just yet"
You thought out loud, pondering on what you could do to make you feel better.
And you hit your lightbulb moment, you would go down to the corner shop and choose something to bake, cause then it would be a win-win situation: you find a way to calm down, and you get something sweet at the end of it.

You put your drink down on the table and stood up, grabbing Otis and heading towards your room to quickly throw something on, which ended up being some floaty trousers, a tight turtleneck and a zip up hoodie. Maximum comfort cloths while still fashionable.

So you headed out of you bedroom and grabbed your favourite ankle boots that had a little platform in then, to boost your confidence the little bit more. Grabbing a crochet bag that matched your outfit, as well as your house keys, your purse and last but not least the lovely Otis, and left the apartment with a little skip in your step.

The corner shop was about a 10 minute walk away, and on your way you there you found a pair of wired headphones and decided to play a playlist that were iconically british, cause why the hell not.

You entered the corner shop listening to 'Baggy Trousers' by Madness. This song reminded you of your dad and the times when the two of you would sing the song together in the living room while your mum filmed and completely pissing herself laughing. You walked towards the isle that had all of the banking equipment and started to have a look at what they had the had to offer you. After a while of deciding, you chose to do s simple two tier cake which came with a piping bag and a new piping nozzle to decorate it. So you grabbed it and paid for it, smiling like a weirdo.

As you were walking backwards your apartment the song 'Parklife' by Blur started playing. And before you knew it, you were singing out loud:

~All the people~
~So many people~
~And they all go hand in hand~
~Hand in hand throughout their Parklife~
~Know what I mean?~

And while the instrumental played someone's voice dragged you from your happy place.

"Wow, looks like the british bitch can do something else with her voice instead of insulting people"
And it was non other that Bakugo. Oh what a time to be alive. And to make things even better, your ADHD medication has worn off so had had no filter and were energetic as evere. Who knows what you are capable of do.

"Oh fuck off you blonde bastard, have you got nothing better to do that hang around corner shops and just generally look like a creep"
You retorted, not thinking before the words fell out of your mouth, and with one look of his face you realized they you had just royally fucked up

"What. The. FUCK. Did. You. Just. Say"
He pushed himself off of the wall that he was leaning on and walked towards you, practically seething with rage

"I'm pretty sure your not deaf, so I won't be repeating myself. Why don't you go bother someone else, you won't gain anything substantial form picking on me. So with that, have a nice rest of your day Bakugo, I'm leaving"
You replied, while pushing past him like he did the two previous times with you. But he didn't let you go that easily, and he stopped you by grabbing your shoulder and activating his quirk, and just like earlier, his hand started smoking, you could feel the heat radiating off of his hands through your zip up

"I don't think that your going anywhere, you british bitch. No one talks to me like that without suffering the consequences"
He said with ab evil smile, but when he looked into your eyes, his face fell when he saw that they were full of rage. However, the thing that caught his attention the most was the one white coloured eye that was just the same as the other one earlier.

He didn't have time to think when something grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him off with large amounts of force. He quickly turned around to hit whoever pulled him back in the face, but he was only met with a cloud in the shape of a human, and his swing just went straight through the clouds face. However, the cloud man quickly raised his have and slapped Bakugo across the face. Confuse and holding his cheek, he turned back around to look at you who started walking away and watched as the cloud man walked straight through him and dispersed into mist then getting absorbed into your hand.

"What the fuck just happened..."
He muttered to himself, confused what he had just experienced, confused about why one of your eyes were a different colour, and confused where this new found confidence came from

You walked back to your apartment, and just collapsed into the sofa and getting Otis out if your back and hugging him tightly, letting out all your emotions like earlier, and crying just as hard as earlier too. You were in no mood to bake a cake now.

"What the fuck is wrong with me...I can't do anything right, I just want to act like a normal person with rational thoughts for once in my pathetic little existence"
You whispered to yourself, and crying just as hard

You don't know how long you cried for but once you calmed down a little and checked the time and it was 10 pm. Surprised, you quickly finished your Smirnoff Ice and went to get ready for bed, not feeling hungry anymore. And after getting ready for bed and checking thet the apartment was properly locked up, you got into bed and silently let tear after tear roll down your face.

It made you sad that the only conversations that you had today were with Bakugo or Midoriya, wondering why your friends didn't call you back.

"Maybe they forgot, that's fine we all forget things from time to time... they'll call me tomorrow"
You said in a quiet and hopeful tone, while slowly drifting off to sleep holding you teddies close to you

But the sad thing is that over the course of the next two weeks, you never got a call from your friends, or even your family for that matter it felt like they forgot about you...or they were ignoring you.

Road work ahead, uh I sure hope it does.

A lovely little Vibe for your reading pleasure, have a great rest of your day :)

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