Jake #1

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Ever wondered how it would feel to attend school at night? When the gloomy hallways would be filled with darkness. When quietness would reign midst the darkness incase the lights went off. How safe would it be to return home at midnight? Well there was a town where there was only one school...Pentville High. Which would start at twilight and end at midnight. And fortunately/unfortunately, you were admitted there.

Your eyes roamed around the classroom as students filled in, to find everyone either busy talking or drooling with their eyes shut.

"Y/N why were you absent for so long? So much has happened ever since you were gone..."

You returned your attention to your friend circle, a group of 7 girls in your class. You were greatful that you didn't have mean, bullies as classmates like how you heard in other cities and towns.

"What did I miss, Jade?"

"There's a stalker in our class. Or atleast the girl he's stalking is from our class."

You lifted a brow, confused and curious.

"Yeah...everyday, I mean, every night here, in school, a student from our class gets a letter from the stalker, describing what the girl he's stalking is like. It's usually a poem...a love poem of course."

"It started from last Friday when Viviette found a letter under her desk which, in simple words, said that the stalker was a male and he was stalking a girl. On Monday, Bria found another letter under her desk which said that the stalker is obsessed with her and that she has black hair. On Tuesday, Levi found another one which said that the girl has devine feminine aura and she's an introvert. And yesterday, Arlo found another one which describes her beauty..."

"I wonder who it'll be. All girls in our class are so pretty. And almost all of us are introverts except for a few of us..."

"I know right...let's just wait for today's letter to arrive. I wonder who's got the letter under their desk. We've all checked our desks. It's not under ours-"

"Gliff's got the letter today everyone!"

All eyes turned to look at the boy, holding the letter in between his fingers. Even the ones who were half asleep looked up, curious.

"What does it say, Gliff"

Gliff unfolded the letter and read out:

Oh her contagious, radiant smile,
To see which I could run a thousand mile,
Her alluring, dreamy eyes,
To burn my heart, was suffice

She is a piece of art,
And I'm an imbecile with a foolish heart
She is pretty and divine
Tonight is the night, I make her mine.

Silence fell as he finished reading the letter. Fear and discomfort creeped across the room. The girls in your friend group looked at each other with fear. Your other girl classmates too assembled and hugged each other, whispering sweet nothings and words of hope and courage into each other's ears.

"Don't worry. We'll all be safe. We'll wlak home together today. All of us. If we all are together, no one can hurt any one of us..."

As class was dismissed for the night and everyone began packing up to go home, the girls assembled together, waiting for each other until they were ready to go. No one should be left behind tonight...

"Why are the streets so dark tonight?"

"I don't know...the streetlights and lamps were working till last night."

"Oh what an awful day for them to go bad!"

"Do you think this too was done by the stalker?"


You kept quiet all this time. You just mentally prayed for that girl to not be you. You loved all your girlies. They all were sweet and didn't deserve to be followed by a stalker. But you couldn't help but pray that it wasn't you.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't realise that you were left behind. You were soon lost in the darkness.

"Jade? Adelaide? Sofia? Where are y'all???"

There was no reply. Only darkness. Your heart started pounding faster as sweat started forming on your forehead.

"Can anyone hear me?!?! Help!!!"

You rushed in whichever way your feet took you, screaming for help. Suddenly, you collided against his chest.

"Hello darling. It was you all this time..."

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