Heeseung #7

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pesh hai kul shabaab
khidmat-e-aali janaab
aatish-kada adaaon se
jal uthega aapke
deeda-e-tar ka hijaab


presented is all this beauty
in the service of your greatness.
with these ever-burning flirtatious gestures,
the veil of your tearful eyes
will be burned.

The cool night wind blew through your hair as you looked out of the window. There was an earthy smell in the air as the whole surrounding was quiet and still. The light of the full moon glowed down in the dark room, the light from the moon and stars being the only source of light in the room.

"Peace before a storm..." You whisper as you glistened under the moonlight. And it was as if nature immediately proved you right as rain began drizzling down the night sky. You closed your eyes and breathed in the earthy smell of the rain.

"You really like the rain, don't you?" You felt his presence behind you. You turned around to face him.

The soft moonlight reflected off his toned bare body as he stood infront of you in only his grey sweatpants, his lips parting slightly to let out a puff of smoke. While one of his hands were inside his pockets, the other held a cigarette between his fingers as his gaze was locked on yours. He looked like art.

The scar from your name which he had carved out on his chest with a knife was still deep and fresh, like he's just not letting it heal.

You frowned.

"Don't smoke."

He smirked, amused as he tossed the cigarette out of the window before facing you again, leaning against the window sill.

"If that's what the love of my heart wants..."

"I'm not your love Heeseung. I don't like you..." You say as you look out of the window. You felt his piercing gaze fixed on you as he studied your features. There was an uncomfortable silence in the air before he broke it off by chuckling darkly.

"Exactly how I expected you to respond."

You furrow your brows and sigh but don't comment further.

"Go away Heeseung..."

Just as you whisper that, a sudden unexpected thud of thunder makes you jump and flinch. He smirks again as he wraps an arm around your waist, pressing his body softly against yours.

"If I do that, who'll take care of you in this lonely night?"



He places a finger on your lips to stop you from speaking further. He gently tucks a strand of hair falling of your face behind your ear. "Give in. Just for once. Let me take care of you..."

You look up into his eyes, your cheeks flushed due to the proximity. Your mind told you to push him away but your heart told you to surrender. Just for this once.

"Heeseung stop."

He held your face gently while his other arm gently, but firmly held your waist, holding you against him.

"I hurt you mentally in the past. Traumatised you. Showed you something I shouldn't have just to torture you. Let me make up for it. For once. Please?"

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