Sunghoon #3

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With every tick of the clock hanging on the Viridian walls, you got more and more anxious. Usually you're calm and collected and never panic over anything but right now you felt different. You were worried, scared even. You didn't know why. It was half past midnight and Sunghoon was still not home. He left without a word and you didn't see him all evening. You wondered why you cared. Until you realised the reason why you did. You were scared that he was trying to find out about you. But that cannot be the only reason for there's not much he can find out about it no matter how hard he tried. No one knows anything about you. Infact, nobody knows your name even. You're an orphan so you don't have a family. You have neither friends nor acquaintance. Then what could be the reason.

Right when you were deep in thought, you heard the front door slam open. You immediately rushed downstairs to find him drunk and intoxicated. As soon as he saw you, his serene face lit up.

"H-hello there sweetheart...w-waiting for m-me?"

He slurred as he tried to collect himself and stand on his feet. However he immediately lost his balance and stumbled forwards, falling on the ground with you under him. He smiled down at you and pecked your cheek.

"You look s-s-so p-pretty when y-you're this c-close. Your b-beauty is so..... i-irresistible"

He chuckled as he leaned his forehead against yours.

"Gosh you're so beautiful. What do I do?"

"Hoon, you need to go to your bed immediately. You have no idea what you're saying right now-"

He shut you up by placing a finger on your lips.

"W-what did you c-call m-me?"

You looked at him perplexed as he tilted his head for you to speak.


You whispered. His corners of his eyes stretched into tiny crescents as he smiled and chuckled loudly.

"Hoon? T-thats my f-favourite nickname e-ever!"

"Hoon let's go get you to your room."

"Hoon! How I love t-that name..."

You helped him up the stairs to his room and laid him down. You helped him to take off his jacket and undo his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. You laid him down and left for your room. But he grabbed your hand and pulle you down, on top of him.

"Where are you going, my sarang?"


He placed a finger on your lips yet again.

"Sshh. Just stay with me, here, for the night. Please...I need love. I need affection. There's nothing I crave more than that. Why else would I wnat you to stay with me although I know you're here to destroy me?"

You felt speechless. You didn't know what to say. He is a broken soul. He needs love. He isn't this vulnerable when he's sober. He's always cocky and sly. But this sid eof him is different. It makes you wnat to pity him. Love him. Protect him.

"I wish you're never sober, Hoon. I love this side of you so much. This side of you which is so soft, so pure, so vulnerable. I love it when I'm in control."

You kissed his forehead and snuggled closer to him in bed. The whole night, you held him close to you, his head resting on your chest, him sleeping peacefully in your arms. You played with his hair as you stared at his face. You couldn't help but smile.

Does everyone look younger in their sleep? Cause looking at him right now, you couldn't help but go back to the time you first saw him. Small and bright, calm and collected. He was the ideal student. Even though they were just 5, he was already a Heartbreaker. He was most of the students' first crush back then. However, he gave little to no attention to anybody. As you recalled the memories, you recalled the reason why you are here. The pain. The hurt. The revenge.

Your smile faded and you tried to roll him over and tried to out of the bed and away from him. But he clutched your hand in his sleep and put it under his cheek.

"Please stay... I'm cold..."

He whispered. You sighed and climbed back to his bed. You wrapped your arms around him and held his close.

"Only for this night, b**ch"

You closed your eyes and tried to sleep. But you realised that your heart was pounding loudly against your chest which made it difficult for you to relax. You stared down at his face.

"I definitely am not falling for you. It's just that I've never been so close to anybody before."

The whole night you stayed there, holding his close, while staring at his face, secretly admiring his beauty. When morning came, you rolled out of bed and puleld the covers over him.

"The night is over and so is my warmth providing service b**ch. Don't forget that I still hate you."


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