Niki #3

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You tried your best to avoid him at all costs and give him as little attention as you probably could. But it was as if you attracted him like a magnet. He would never let you stay alone, even for a second. His constant teasing, the random bullsh*t he would speak to annoy the crap outta you, say embarassing stuff to make you go red. You hated every inch of him. But as long as the kids were safe, you tolerated his nonsense.

One night, you were sleeping in your room. Or rather, you tried to. But you couldn't. Usually, you would lock your room before sleeping. But that night, it just skipped your mind.

Suddenly the door to your room opened and you felt a weight beside you on the other side of the bed. Before you could comprehend anything, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close, your back pressed against his robust chest.

"Hello sweetheart~"

The familiar voice which you hated to the core. What was he doing in your room so late at night?


"Ssshhh...I'm tired. Please don't be difficult. You know I need you, right?"

You were speechless. What was wrong with him all of a sudden? There are times when he's clingy but this was completely different.

"Riki...are you drunk?"

"Uh...umm... well...maybe just a little bit...I didn't drink a lot I promise...maybe just a bottle of... I don't remember what it was....maybe beer or....was it rum or.... maybe wine?"

You gasped.

"Riki you're not of the legal age to drink yet! And you drank a whole bottle?!?! Are you trying to kill your liver already??? What were you drinking for???"

He pouted and rested his cheek against yours while holding you close from behind.



"You're always so...distant. I just want your love and all you give is hate..."

"If you think saying all this will make me feel sorry and start treating you with love, you're wrong. You hurt the kids, killed their parents, seperated me from them."

You suddenly felt teardrops fall on your face. Those weren't your tears.

"I'm such a bad person, right. I was such a good boy. With a kind heart and a bright future. Isn't it?"

Those words hurt you a little. But you tried not to give in. This was his trap.

"How am I supposed to know? You're talking as if I've known you since you were born. I knew you only since the day I ran into you on the park, the day before you joined the same school as me."

"That's what my mom said to me...that I was a good boy...a good and kind child...until one day my dad killed her infront of me...and I killed him, as well as his love affair ."

"If you know it sucks to lose a parent who you love, why did you kill the parents of the kids'?"

"It's their parents I'm talking about y/n...their father was my father who killed my mom. And then he married their mom. Their mom was his love affair."

Your eyes widened.

"That's not true, right? You're're making this up so that I can pity you"

"I wish I was... I'm afraid y/n, those kids who you used to babysit are my stepsiblings. They're the children of those two monsters who killed my mom."

You were flabbergasted. You couldn't believe your ears.

"That's so messed up..."

"I know...I'm sorry for being so complicated and dragging you into all of this..."

"So you hate your stepsiblings?"

He paused for a moment.

"I try to...they're the offsprings of those two can I not hate them? But it's difficult to...when I look into their eyes I feel like...I feel like it's not their fault that they had such awful parents...but how can I not hate them Y/N?"

You bit your lip and sighed.

"Go to sleep, Riki."


It was difficult for you to process what you just heard from him. You couldn't believe it but at the same time, you felt that he wasn't lying. You could hear the pain and truth in his voice. How messed up was his life? How difficult is it? Having your dad kill your favourite person on earth? To witness your own dad slaughter your mom infront of your eyes? He was a child...when his heart broke for the first time. He only wanted revenge. Although his way of getting his revenge was wrong, could you really blame him? Your head ached with all the questions plaguing your mind. All you understood was that the drinks brought out a side of Riki which he would never show when he's sober. The side of him which cares. The side of him which can love.


"Yes, Riki?"

"Can I hold you like this for the rest of the night? Please?"


He turned you over so that you could face him and pressed your face on his chest as he held you close.

"I can't lose you Y/N...please don't leave me...ever."

"I won't Riki...I promise..."

You waited till he was fast asleep and peeked at his face. You kissed his nose and wiped his tears.

"But sadly, I've always had trust issues love."


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