Sunoo #3

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⚠️Horror/Slight gore

Days had passed by since he had kidnapped you. You both were good friends now, or so you liked to think. Although he was very clingy and touchy, you didn't mind it as long as he was mentally sane and not sad or depressed. You both were on good terms but some things in your life were just strange ever since you started living with him here. You would often have weird dreams like you're in a dark room and you can't see anything around you, like you're calling for someone, anyone, but no one's answering. Or like you were in a concert and suddenly, the lights went off and everything went dark and the next second you realise, you're in a dark pit. Did it have something to do with Sunoo? However, you shook those thoughts away and told yourself there's nothing to worry.

"Just changes, Y/N. You're not used to the kind of life you're living right now."

One night, while you were sleeping, you again saw a weird dream. You were here, in Sunoo's house. You came home from the grocery store to find the house empty. Sunoo wasn't there. You decided to take a shower. While you were under the shower, the water running down your body, the lights in the bathroom began flickering. You looked around in confusion and your eyes, for a moment halted at the bathroom mirror. You screamed in shock and fear as you saw the grotesque face of a woman, her eyes missing from their sockets, her hair flying around hysterically, her face white and lifeless.

"Run Y/ away from him..."

You draped the towel around you and ran out of the washroom. You picked up your phone and suddenly the lights went out. It was completely dark all around. You hurriedly called Sunoo, your voice shaking.

"Pick up. Pick up please Sunno. I'm scared."

But he wasn't picking up. Suddenly you heard voices all around you. Different, inhuman voices, asking you to run away. To run for your life. You shut your ears to stop the voices from entering, but their voice subliminals plagued your mind till you started feeling dizzy and passed out crying.

You woke up screaming and crying, hoping the voices would stop. Hoping that this was just a nightmare. But it didn't. You heard the voices that you heard in your nightmare, asking you to run away.

"Run away Y/N if you don't want to end up like us..."

"Run away from here, we're here to warn you against him..."

"Don't fall into his trap. He isn't as innocent as he looks. He's a monster."

"Run. Save your life."

You began screaming for Sunoo to realise that he was beside you on the other side of the bed, holding you. He began playing with your hair and kissed your forehead, telling you that it will all be fine by morning.

"S-sunno...wh-what are these v-voices?"

"Don't worry sweetheart. They're just jealous of us. They're trying to seperate you from me."

You looked up at him, scared and perplexed. But he was as chill as he could be. How could he in this situation when spirits are trying to reach you?

"W-why do t-they want to s-seperate you from m-me? W-why are there s-spirits in your house??? Sunoo I'm scared pl-pl-please t-tell me e-everything!!!"

He sighed as the whisperings grew louder and more painful to hear.

"I tried to get rid of them by calling the exorcists. But everytime an exorcist steps inside my house, the spirits kill him and turn him into one of them. Guess I'm stuck with them here forever. I can't get rid of them."

"Sunoo? W-who are they? What d-did you do to them?"

He caressed your face and kissed your cheek as he held you tighter, closer to his body. He leaned in closer to your ear so that you could hear him clearly amidst the whispers.

"They're the souls of the people I killed to have you in my life. Bodies of all those 15 of them are lying in my basement. I killed them all, from your family to your friends and acquaintances. All of them."

Your eyes widened in shock and realisation. The face you saw in the mirror in your dreams, it was your mother. These souls trying to reach you are your family and friends and your well wishers.

"They want you to run away from me. Run away from here. But you know if you do what they want you to do, you'll end up just like them. In my basement."


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