Sunghoon #6

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"Mind explaining why I was locked in that room for the entire night?" Sunghoon sighed as he looked at her. "This is the seventh time you're asking me this question." "Also the third time you dodged my question today."

He exhaled sharply. "Come here." She walked up to him and plopped down on the bed, facing him. He took her hands in his. "I'm sorry. I should have found a better way to deal with your little problem. This wasn't very wise of me." She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him, perplexed. "What do you mean? My problem?..." He sighed.

"Well... last night," he looked away. She started getting anxious. "What about last night?" He sighed as he began again, "Last night, as you might remember... you were too traumatized to sleep alone. So, I tucked you in, and you were asleep in no time.". She nodded. "Yeah, I remember till there. What happened after that?" He sighed. "It's better if I show you since you won't believe my words." With that, he took his shirt off, revealing the purple bruises all over his torso. Her eyes widened. "What?... N-no, I didn't do that," he sighed.

"Who else lives here except the two of us, sweetheart?"

She was still shocked as she thought about it. He did have a point, though. He kissed her forehead and patted her head before getting up, his shirt flung over his shoulder. "Take your time to process the information; I'll be right back," he said as he walked out of the room.

He huffed looking at himself in the mirror. "The things I need to do for you, sweetheart..." He took a makeup remover and wiped off the hickeys which he had painted all over his abs and chest. He put his shirt back on and walked to his room to find her there. She was still where he had left her, lost in her thoughts. "It's alright. If people can walk in their sleep, why can't they get sensual-" "YAH PARK SUNGHOON!!!" he chuckled.

"You like reading, don't you?" She looked up at him as he smirked and lay down on the bed. "Let's read together." He opened the book, his eyes glued to the pages. "You were reading this one, isn't it?" He glanced over at her. "Come on now," he pulled her so she was lying with her head on his chest. She flushed, "W-What are you doing?" He looked down at her and smirked. "Why are you behaving as if last night you weren't trying to eat my body-" "YAH PARK SUNGHOON!!!" He smiled, amused at the current situation.

"Let's focus on the book, shall we, darling?" She immediately fixated her gaze on the book that he held in front of them, but his eyes lingered on her as his soft smile slowly turned into a frown when he remembered her attempt to murder him last night. She yawned softly.

He smiled slightly and asked, "Tired?" keeping the book aside. She nodded, and he played with her hair, his other hand resting on her waist. "Can I ask you something?" She nodded again.

"I never asked you about your family," he said. She sighed, "I don't have one." He looked down at her and kissed her hair. "Wanna talk about it?" She stayed silent for a while.

"My parents died in an accident when I was six. After that, my elder sister took care of me, but one day, she too disappeared. The cops said it was suicide... and I was all alone," she spoke as her eyes glistened. He stared down at her sympathetically and kissed her forehead. "Not anymore," he continued playing with her hair.

"Favorite color?"

"Red," she replied.

"Favorite season?"


"Favorite animal?"


"Favorite time of the day?"


That's when you start going nuts, sweetheart.

"Favorite book?"

She paused for a second. "The Cursed Fate Series," she replied. [A/N: There is no such book, so don't bother searching in case you intended to lmao.]

He looked down at her, studying her every expression intently. "What's it about?" She looked up at him, her eyes squinted.

"I won't tell you! It's for you to find out. I'm gatekeeping that book with my life, especially since it's such a rare edition. Plus, I like how mysterious it is. The name of the author was Sion, and he was a fortune teller too. He wrote and published the first two volumes, but he predicted in his second book that the story would remain incomplete since he would die before he could publish it. And that is exactly what happened; he died before he could publish the final edition. But he said that he had almost completed writing it and that it could only in one library in the entire world. And I swear on my life, I won't stop until I find the final volume too," she said as she got up and skipped to her room.

Sunghoon sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. He didn't give two shits about the book she talked about; he just wondered how similar both of their pasts were. He too lost his mother as she died giving birth to him, and his father was always distant and lived far away somewhere in the mountains for which he could never get close to him. Didn't even know his name or what he looked like. Until one day, he died a mysterious death.

Sunghoon sighed and closed his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes shot open. He immediately grabbed his phone, hastily dialing in the number. He waited impatiently, cursing at the person to pick up the call. "Hello-" "Give the phone to your dad." "But, sir-" "Fucking give the phone to him!!!"

The man on the other side immediately passed the phone to the older man. "Sunghoon? After all these years... How are you, son?"

Sunghoon gulped. "You knew, Dad, didn't you?"

"Very well! Great man, he was... Wise beyond his age. Always loved and respected among his folks." Sunghoon's hands shook ever so lightly. "What was his profession, sir?"

"His profession? There was nothing he wasn't capable of doing. Yet he was well known in the entire city as a fortune teller. He used to write too but couldn't make it big due to his untimely death." Sunghoon's heartbeat fastened as he held his breath. "What was my father's name?"


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