Sunghoon #2

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You sat down, quietly, trying to inspect the place you were in without your eyes. However, you tried to make use of the little light that the satin black blindfold around your eyes allowed to penetrate into your eyelids. One thing you were quite certain was that darkness surrounded you all around accompanied by silence. You could hear the howls of the dogs outside on the streets. Your fingers tried to quietly, skillfully undo the knot at your wrists but it once resulted it to get tighter, making you wince. Your ankles were tightly pressed against each other because of the rope that tied them together, the same way the ropes tied your wrists.

The squeaking of the hinges of the door indicated that someone walked inside the room that you were held captive in. The footsteps grew louder until it stopped in front of you. The person kneeled down for sure cause you could feel his breath on your skin.

"You look so pretty when you're submissive and quiet."

"Why am I held captive when I didn't even resist coming with you?"

"Straight to the point...aren't we?"

Although it was dark and you were blindfolded, you could hear the smirk and amusement in his voice.

"Oh well then, I'll be easy too. I held you captive cause that's how I like to see you. Submissive, obedient, pure and untouched. Plus I don't want you to escape."

"I have nowhere to escape."

"I know. But I doubt that you'll be that easy. Your pretty face hides a sly and reckless young lady. You shouldn't have been that easy. I know you're not here for no reason. I want to know your purpose."

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Well too bad I know you do. And I do to. There's no one here except the two of us. So, won't you tell me the truth, sweetheart? Who are you?"

Your confused frown slowly changed into a mischievous smirk.

"You'll know when the time is right. Patience has always been a sweet thing, love."

"Good thing cause I don't mind waiting."

"You'll leave me here to starve and die till I say the truth and reveal my identity, won't you?"

"No. I hate to admit it but I'm obsessed with you. I didn't bring you here to get you killed. I want you as a treasure. I don't care if you want to ruin me."

"So what do you want from me?"

"Satisfaction. Please me and I'll treat you like you're my queen."

"And if I don't?"

He leaned in closer and undid your blindfold causing it to slip down your face and rest on your neck. He leaned his forehead against yours as your eyes met.

"You'll simply hurt yourself, sweetheart. If you only want things to be easier for you, entertain me."

He undid your handcuffs and untied the knot on your legs. He raised an eyebrow.

"Well...what are you waiting for?"

You slowly leaned towards him, wrapped your arms around his neck and placed yourself on his lap. You stroked his face and kissed his cheek, chin, trailed a few down his neck and leaned your forehead against his temple to whisper into his ears.

"As long as I'm winning, it doesn't really matter what you want."

"I'd love to see you try."


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