Sunoo #4

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Eversince that night when you found out that he's a murderer, you began loathing him. You wanted to escape from this hell.

"They want you to run away from me. But you know if you do as they say, you'll be lying like them in my basement."

Those words kept ringing in your head as you tried to think of a way to escape. Yes. It is dangerous but it's even more dangerous to live with him here. You had faith thta the ghosts in his basement will help you escape if you're smart and fortunate enough. After all, they're the ghosts of the ones who loved and cared for you.

Tears streamed down your face as you reclaled one of them being your mother. You saw her in your nightmare.

You wiped your tears away. Sunoo deserves to be in jail for what he did. But the first step to reporting him to the cops is to escape from here.

Eversince that day that you discovered his ugly truth, you tried to find some secret way to get out of his house as escaping from the doors and windows would be impossible as he's set passwords all over and if he finds out that you tried to escape, the consequences would be fatal. There must be some hidden way to get out.

You tried searching everyday. You waited till he left the house. Once he was gone, you began searching for a way out again. You began searching in his bedroom. But unfortunately, you found nothing.

You slowly went to all the rooms and tried finding some way to escape. But you didn't find any way out. The last place left to search was the kitchen.

You went to the kitchen and searched all over the place. But you couldn't find any way out. Frustrated, you threw a glass on the floor. It shattered into pieces. But suddenly the ground began shaking. Alarmed you moved back and held onto the kitchen counter.

The tile where the glass shattered slowly moved downwards to reveal a secret way. Finally you found it!!! Finally you'll be out of here!!!

You slowly followed the path and it led you to the basement. The moment you reached the basement, you covered your nose. The disgusting smell of blood and rotting meat filled the air. As you continued walking forward, you screamed at the grotesque scene infront of you.

There were several dead bodies lying infront of you. Mutilated and butchered. There were organs ripped off and lying out in the open. There were pools of blood surrounding you. The faces were so grotesquely damaged that you couldn't even make out who all were killed. But you did identify some of your friends and relatives. You rushed out of the basement as fast as you possibly could. I ran away from his house. You didn't stop running until you reached the police station.

"Yes miss. What's your complain?"

"He-he he's a serial killer. H-he ki-ki-killed people. T-they're in his basement-"

"Please calm down ma'am. Take a seat. And please explain in details."

You sat down across his and wiped your sweat and tears off. You tried to stabilize your breathing and tried to explain everything in details.

"There was this man. Kim Sunoo. He used to follow me everywhere. And one day he abducted me from my home. Then he manipulated me and convinced me to stay with him. But then one night, I heard weird noise, coming from his basement. That's when he admitted that he murdered my friends and family and relatives. And today when I tried to escape from his house, I found a secret way through his kitchen. It led me to the basement. Upon reaching the basement, I found the bodies. Some of them were rotting and decaying. There were pools of blood surrounding me in the basement.....and the bodies were butchered. Their organs ripped off and lying on the floor. Some of them mere mutilated to the point, it seemed as if they were attacked my some wild animals who tried to eat their meat..."

He looked at me and sighed.

"And where was this house you were living in for so long?"

"There.....down the the woods.....away from the main city-"

Suddenly the head of the police inspector you were talking to fell and rolled down on the floor. There infront of you remained his beheaded body.

You screamed as you tried to run, but as soon as you turned around and tried to run, you collided against a sturdy body. And his arms wrapped around your waist firmly, locking you in place while you struggled to get out of his grip.

"Surprise sweetheart."

Sunoo said as he chuckled darkly looking at the beheaded form of the inspector infront of him while the rest of the cops around him dropped to the floor, beheaded and bleeding.

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