Jake #2

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You woke up, feeling groggy

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You woke up, feeling groggy. Your eyelids felt heavy and body was sprained. You feel as if you've been gone for days. How long were you asleep for? You squinted your eyes to see around and realised that it was late afternoon and the sun was almost setting. You rubbed your eyes, allowing them to open a little wider. That's when the sudden realisation hit you. You weren't at your home.

You sprung up from the bed you were in. The black satin sheets, the Viridian walls, the unusual scent of mint and cedar, this room was way too elegant to be yours. You forced your mind to remember things from last night.
School...stalker...and you were here. As things slowly started getting clearer, you heard footsteps approaching your room.
You quickly hid yourself in the little space between the bed and wall. You slowed down your breath so that he can't hear you.

The door opened within seconds after you hid yourself and you heard a sigh.

"Where did she go? I left her here..."

The steps slowly grew louder as he entered and began pacing across the room.

"My love, Y/N...are you hiding from me?"

Sweat began dripping down your forehead, as you prayed not to get caught. Within seconds you were yanked out by your wrists.

"Found you darling!"

You screamed and bit his hand to get away. You hut as hard as you possibly could, which made his hands bleed but his grip on your wrist didn't loosen a bit. He chuckled.

"How cute!"

He pulled you out and threw you in bed. You tried to crawl away from him but he grabbed your ankle and pulled you close to him. He kneeled down in the ground infront of you, his arm firmly but gently wrapped around your waist.

"Why are you running away? Can't you see I love you? Why are you so scared of me?"

Somewhere in his eyes you tried to find the friend you lost the previous night. The moment he kidnapped you. His eyes which held security and a sense of comfort, now held madness and obsession.

"Jake...you were one of my closest friends... infact you were one of the only guy friends I had. The one I was closest to. Why are you doing this? This ain't you, Jake..."

"I know this isn't me. This isn't the Jake Sim you know. And now that I have you, I don't have to be him. I ma free to show you my obsession, my love for you. You too will love me back, right sweetheart?"

You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed in exasperation and helplessness.

"Jake Jake Jake. Why don't you try to understand? I don't see you in that way? I don't like you more than as a friend-"

He grabbed your hands with both of his, cutting you off.

"I will make you love me. Just give me time. You'll want me as much as I want you if not more."

"Jake you're not getting it! I don't love you!"

His face dropped as he became teary.

"Is that true?"

You nodded.

He clasped your face in his hands as tears rolled down his face.

"If that's the case then I'll hate to do it, but I'll have to use my ways."

You looked at him perplexed. Before you could ask him what he meant, he pulled out his iPad from one of the drawers and began working on it. Within seconds, you heard familiar screams from the other side. Your eyes widened in shock, as you grabbed it from him to see the screen.


He pulled you closer and kissed your cheek.

"They tried to come in between you and me. All the girls of our class, they tried to walk you home so that I don't get the opportunity to make you mine. They'll have to pay now. Gliff you know what to do."

Gliff nodded. You recognised the boy from your class. The one who read out the letter last night at school. He was working for Jake. He suddenly pressed on a button which caused all the girls, sitting in their chairs to scream out in pain as the electric current transmitted by their chairs passed through their entire body. They were all screaming out your name, crying out for help.


He tilted his head, smiling while looking at you with admiration as if you're the most precious thing in his possession.

"You never have to beg me for anything sweetheart. Just do as I say and they'll be fine."

"I will!!! I will Jake!!! Stop the torture. THEY'LL DIE JAKE!!!STOP!!!"

You screamed as some of them started getting unconscious.

"Stop it."

And Gliff followed his words immediately and stopped. Jake turned the device off and turned back at you. He caressed your face and smiled.

" Don't worry sweetheart. I'll make sure none of them dies as long as you stay here with me."

He laid you down in bed and kissed your forehead. He then ran his fingers through your hair.

"I would never hurt you, love. I know you're kind enough to not let your friends die. Just know that as long as you love me, they'll be safe."

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