Jay #6

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I was in my room, playing with the three little kittens of Jay that were my only company here. As I sit here, trying to distract myself, I can't help but think.... Why did it have to be me? Why is it always me? Why is life always so cruel to me? First, it took my family from me, then the few people I trusted betrayed me, then the person I loved cheated on me. And now, the only thing in the world that belonged to me, my freedom, is also ceased from me as I'm held captive here in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a maze that has no way out, and even if there is, he won't let me find it out.

You might ask, "And you gave up so easily? You didn't even try to escape?" Trust me, I did. I tried my best. But he's way smarter than me. Just when I think I've found the way out and I can finally be free, he's there to remind me that it was another trap by him. Why am I so stupid to fall for it again and again and again? I sigh. Will I never find my way out? Am I stuck here forever?

I hear the front door slam open. I put the kittens to sleep and go to the drawing room. He stands there, his shirt soaked with blood, hair disheveled, and clothes ripped every here and there.

He takes his jacket off, tossing it off to the side, revealing more of his wounds and his white shirt which is drenched in blood and sweat. I gasp, causing him to turn around and face me, his usual smirk plastered on his face as he walks towards me. He then pulls me close, holding me by my waist and holds my face. "I didn't expect you to be up so late," I sighed. "Why do you always fight so bad?" He chuckled. "Why do you always ask the same question when you know the answer?"

"You scare me, Jay. Please stop coming all bloody and injured every night," I whispered as he kissed my forehead. "If I could, I would. Anyways, you don't need to stay up every night waiting for me so you can treat my wounds. I can do that myself. Go to sleep." I shook my head and led him to his room. He too had gotten used to listening to my instructions without complaining. He sat on his bed, stripping the bloody shirt off his body as I started cleaning his wounds. Sometimes I wondered why I cared so much for the person who curtailed my freedom, held me captive. Why do I care so much whether he's hurt, dead, or alive? Maybe because only he can get me out of here...

His intense gaze on me whenever I treated his wounds made me nervous, and judging from my flushed face, he knew that very well. "Try to be careful. You keep getting hurt at the same places, not letting your wounds heal," I said as I got up, trying to walk away when he held my hand. "Stay with me for the night." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Stop asking me the same thing everyday."

"Why do you always refuse?" he asked softly. "You know why, Jay... You know very well." "Your body language says otherwise..." I flushed again. What's wrong with me? Why is it this obvious that it's difficult staying away from him? Am I falling for him? I can't. This isn't right...

"I might need you for the night, Y/N... please? My whole body hurts..." I looked away. "In that case, I'll sleep on the couch then... If you need anything just call out my name" I made my way to the couch and arranged the cushions as I tried to sleep. His gaze fixated on me the entire time didn't help. I turned away from him, trying to ignore the conflicting feelings within me.

It's difficult for me to ignore him, even when I close my eyes those questions plague my mind. Why is it so difficult for me to ignore him? I have every reason to hate him, yet I can't help but care for him. Why? Why does my heart beat so fast when he's being affectionate? Why do I never stop him? To block my thoughts away, I just close my eyes and lie there, pretending to be asleep. I hear him get off his bed and walk towards me. I keep my eyes closed, still pretending to be asleep. He picks me up as gently as ever, placing me on his bed and hugs me tenderly, kissing my cheek.

"I know you're in love with me, but you're in denial because you think it's wrong. But trust me, I won't stop till I make you mine. Ever!" He whispered as he kissed my forehead before walking away to sleep on the couch. Why is he making it so difficult for me? Every touch, every kiss, every word of his spoken with love is making me fall for him even more, day by day, minute by minute, second by second. I can't help but compare him to my ex-boyfriend with whom every second of the relationship felt forced. Maybe the reason I'm falling for Jay is because he shows me the love and affection I craved for in my previous relationship. He heals all those wounds Levi gave me. He heals the pain I went through in that relationship, and gives me the love I always missed. Love of a family, love of a lover. And maybe that's why I'm so drawn to him. But regardless of my feelings, I cannot fall in love with Jay. And I have to get out of here...

 And I have to get out of here

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A/N: I regret writing what I wrote for Sunoo and Jake's. Can't even decide on a trope for those two😭. Hopefully the shit I'm gonna write for them works out in the end🤞. Anyways love y'all for staying even though I take so long to update. Have an amazing day/evening/ night 💗🎀

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