Jay #5

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"Oh dear, you look scared. What's wrong? Don't you like me talking about the murders I committed for you?"

He looked at you with a dead smile on his face as twirled the drink on his glass.

"Are you crazy?! You murdered people and you expect me to be proud?!"

"No, no, not proud...maybe impressed? It was for you after all. You are special."

You grip your hair, frustrated.

"You're crazy Jay! I can't live with you, why don't you understand?!"

"You don't have much of a choice now, do you?"

He chuckles as he sips on his red wine.

"I like you, you know that right?"

You bit your lip as a tear escapes from your eyes.

"Jay please. Leave me alone. See...I'm grateful that you care for me, you saved my life, provided me shelter, but I can't live with you! You're a serial killer!"

"But I only killed people that did you wrong. I killed for you. I love you."

He stands up with a stern expression.
"We are destined to be together. You don't get to leave, love."

"We aren't destined to be together, jay! You're trying to alter our fates so that we end up together but you don't understand! You and me , we're worlds apart. You are a serial killer and I'm just a normal girl in the city, working 9 to 5. It was my fault, I ran into these woods to run from my responsibilities but I can't stay with you!"

"You can and you shall. I won't let you leave. I have loved you ever since that day I met you in the woods, you know. And you love me back. I have seen it in your eyes...the way you look at me...the way those pretty eyes of yours light up whenever I compliment you."

He takes another swig from his glass and stares at you.

"You are mine. And you'll always be mine."

You close your eyes shut. "Okay fine...maybe I was developing feelings for you, but eversince I got to know that you're a murder, I can't like you anymore. Let me go Jay! I appreciate that you care for me and that's why I won't tell the cops about you. But I need to go."

"But what about all these feelings I have for you? What about my love? My emotions? Don't you care at all anymore?"

He takes a few steps closer and looks at you.

"Or are you being selfish?
Besides, cops won't do squat. They'll look for me, but they won't find me in these woods." He smirks as he moves closer to you.

"Jay, stop it. You live your own life and let me live mine. No girl would ever want to be in a toxic relationship with an serial killer. You're a murderer, Jay. A murderer."

He sighs and closes his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Had you been anybody else, you would've surely been dead by now but you were the love of his life. How could he ever hurt you?

He chuckled and opened his eyes, staring at you darkly, that smirk never leaving his face.

"Well sweetheart...you're more difficult to take then I thought. I hate to do this but I'll have to, I guess... How else would you learn, my heart?"

He threw you over his shoulders and started walking away. No matter how hard you tried to escape, he was too strong for you. He then threw you in an empty room and locked you inside.

After screaming and shouting for him for a few minutes, you realised that the room had windows and it wasn't difficult to escape from there.

"...Did he even try?"

You couldn't care less and escaped through the window and ran as fast you possibly could. You didn't even care to look back to check if he had caught you escaping.

While you were running, you just turned back for once to check if he was following. You sighed in relief when you saw no signs of him anywhere near you. You kept running.


Your weak knees gave in as you collapsed to the ground, exhausted from the running. The sun was setting and it was already dark. The air was getting chilly and darkness engulfed the woods. No matter how much you tried to run and escape, you couldn't find your way out of the woods. It felt as if you were in an unending maze with no way out. No matter how much you tried to run and get out of there, you kept reaching the same place again and again. What if...

"Took long enough for you to realise, isn't it honey?"

You jumped in fear and surprise as you heard the familiar voice. That's when you saw him walk out from the dark and kneel down infront of you. His familiar smirk still on his face.

"Did you really think I was that dumb to let you go so easily?"

You felt tears brim your eyes. You felt betrayed? Hurt? Lost? Scared? Embarrassed? You couldn't even name the feeling. All you did was break down in tears because of how overwhelmed you felt at that moment. There was no way you could escape and he knew that. Yet he made you look and feel like an idiot by making you play his awful game. A game which starts and ends with him.

His smirk slowly changed into his gentle warm smile which he didn't know existed until he met you. He pulled you into his lap and caressed your hair, holding your face so daintily as if you would break, staring at
you as if you were the most precious thing in this universe and needed all the love and care the world could provide. He wiped your tears before pulling you into a tight hug. You were too tired and burnt out to even fight back.

"Shhh baby, it's alright my love. You aren't just playing the game today. You've been playing my game since the day I first met you. Not in the woods but on the streets when you were walking home from work the night before."

You pulled back from his embrace and looked up at him. So it was all a plan? His
' man written my women ' persona so you could fall for him and live with him together under the same roof?

"Yeah my love....it was all my plan. Everything was a plan. Bringing you here in the woods, saving your life, taking you to my house, behaving so well so that you fall for me. It was all a lie. The only thing that wasn't a lie was that I'm in love with you and that I killed your friends and your ex. And these woods, this is a part of my plan as well. It's a maze with only one way out. And I'll make sure you never find it, sweetheart."

He said as he kissed your forehead.

He said as he kissed your forehead

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A/N: sorry the chapter wasn't really up to all your expectations, but I swear I'm trying😭. Facing a massive writer's block rn but I hope it gets better. If you still read my works despite my long periods of inactivity, I love you sm, words can't express how much I do! Thank you so much just bear with me. I promise I'll get better. Good day/night❤️

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