Jay #3

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(Made with the help of ideas/requests given by Amityyy06)

It's been a couple of days since you've been living with him and it seemed uncanny how he was helping a stranger escape city life by letting you stay in his house but you were thankful whatsoever. Maybe because it felt lonely living here all alone in the middle of the woods with no companion. He didn't talk much except to make sure you're doing fine and calling you for meals. Also you hadn't been out of this house into the woods in the last two days that you've been here. You wanted to but you couldn't help feel anxious. Last night you couldn't sleep because of your fear of the creatures that lurk around the house. You weren't sure if tonight would be any better. But you can laways try right?

After almost an hour or two of fidgeting in your bed you slowly drifted off into a deep slumber. But you wished you hadn't fallen asleep. You saw it in your dreams. Those feline eyes glowing in the dark. It made low, guttural sounds as it advances towards you. You seemed to be frozen in your spot. You couldn't move away from it although you tried to. It suddenly stopped a few feet away from you and leaned back on its hind legs and made a loud roar before pouncing on you.

You woke up screaming for help and kept screaming without realising that it was just a bad dream. Suddenly the door to your room opened widely and Jay rushed inside. He shook you awake from your nightmare. You looked up at him and hugged him tight as tears rolled down your face. He froze in his position and you could feel his heart pounding loudly against his chest. He sighed and patted your back while his other hand massaged your scalp.

"It's okay it's just a bad dream. You're okay."

He whispered sweet nothings as you sat there clutching to his body. He leaned his cheek against your head to calm you down and held you close. Slowly you gave into a deep sleep in his arms. Once he knew you were asleep, he kissed your forehead.

"Nobody can hurt you as long as I'm here. I'll protect you from all evil."

He laid you down on your bed and watched you as you slept peacefully. The moonlight falling on your face made you look ethereal in his eyes. He smiled and caressed your face.

"Does everyone look this pretty when they're asleep? No, it has to be only you."

He looked at you one last time before kissing your forehead and pulling the sheets up to cover your body. He then left.

The next morning, he himself showed up at your room with food. He set it down beside you on the nightstand and sat down.

"How are you feeling now?"

You were pretty embarassed about what had happened the previous night, the way you reacted to a nightmare. You smiled and nodded curtly. He smiled back.

"Well eat up, I have some companions for you."

You looked at him, intrigued. So you both weren't alone here? There was somebody else living here too? Why didn't he introduce you to them earlier? After you finished your breakfast, you followed him downstairs to a room. As soon as you entered there, you saw three mugs kept at a distance. You heard him call out.

"Zoe, Mila, Cali"

You waited but no one showed up. Then from the three mugs, three tiny little kittens simultaneously popped their head out to look up at you.

 Then from the three mugs, three tiny little kittens simultaneously popped their head out to look up at you

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You felt your heart burst with affection and adoration. You walked up to them as they looked up at you and meowed. You chuckled and patted their tiny little heads. Soon they plopped out of their mugs to your lap and began climbing all over your body, cuddling in your lap, crook of your neck and arms. All three of them had chosen their favourite spots.

While you were playing with the three of them, he watched you and smiled.

'You smile I smile, darling. I'll make sure you're always happy so that you never want to leave me. And even if you do, you don't have an option but to stay.'


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