Jungwon #3

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Eversince you betrayed him by calling the exorcist, he's been really mad. He no longer treats you with affection like he used to. Even when he does show love, you can see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. Although he never hurt you, not even tried to, yet you were afraid of him.

You felt guilty for what you did. Although it wasn't your fault, you felt sorry for him. He didn't deserve to be heartbroken. You gulped and called his name.


There was pin drop silence for a while. Then suddenly, he showed up infront of you. Pale, anger visible in his dark eyes, jaw clenched.

"Jungwon, can we talk?"

He nodded and sat down beside you on the bed.

"Jungwon I...I'm sorry for what I did."

He made strong eye contact with you, not blinking for even once. He didn't seem convinced with your apology.

"Jungwon I really mean it....I apologise for what I did. I promise I won't try to hurt you ever again by calling an exorcist...can we be friends?"

You asked extending an arm. He looked at it for sometime and sighed.

"You broke my trust...I thought that you're were afraid of me but you would slowly start loving me back. That you would accept me. But you actually tried to get rid of me? You wanted to kill my soul, the only part of my existence?"

You bit your lip in nervousness.

"What can I do to win your trust again?"

"I don't really care. I just hate it when people betray me. There's nothing I hate more than betrayal. It brings back those memories...the pain...the past...all the things which haunt me...all the things that I want to forget."

You raised your brow.

"What memories?"

He shook his head.

"Nothing. If only you wouldn't have broken my trust would I have trusted you with my trauma. But you don't really care."

"Jungwon, I really am sorry. Back then, we weren't so close. We just met and our meeting wasn't so cool. You stalked and intruded into my life, invaded my privacy and even killed my owner and burned his house which he was supposed to lend me. I was scared of the changes, I just moved out of house and didn't expect such vast changes. I wasn't aware that I was betraying you cause I didn't even know that you trusted me so much. All I thought was that you consider me as a victim to annoy and once you lose interest in me, you'll kill me and move on. I didn't have any idea that you're in love with me, Jungwon. It's not just my fault!"

You sighed. You were being way too harsh on him. You tried to calm down and held his hand.

"See Jungwon...I am sorry for what I did. You're someone with trust issues and yet you trusted me...but I unknowingly broke your trust. I know that trust once broken can't be fixed completely but can we please atleast be friends and try and stop this awkwardness between us? Please? If we're gonna I've together forever, let our relationship be free from toxicity. Can we?"

He looked at you and then looked away. You saw tears brim his eyes. He can cry? Ghosts can cry? They have feelings too?

"...just don't break my trust again y/n...it's difficult...so difficult to love someone who breaks you again and again..."

You held his face and wiped a tear off of his face.

"Jungwon...what happened? What's your past?"

"I wish I could trust you..."

"Won... please...I promise I won't betray you ever again... just give me a chance...tell me what happened...can I fix anything? I'll do whatever I can."

"I'm afraid y/n... there's nothing you can do..."

Saying so, he disappeared. You looked around, trying to find him. You called out his name, but he didn't show up. You ran around the house trying to find him, but you couldn't find him anywhere.

"Jungwon! Jungwon please show up! Let me talk to you!"

But he was nowhere to be found. You slid down the wall.

"Jungwon I don't know what hurt you but I'll try to find out and help you out...I'm sorry for what I did Won...I couldn't help but be scared back then...but now I know you're hurt...I will try to help you whichever way I can...just give me a chance Won..."

You suddenly looked towards the mirror which had something written on it with blood.

"Please don't y/n...I don't want to relive the past...I want to forget everything..."

"Jungwon, you're here? Jungwon please show up..."

Yet he was nowhere to be seen.

"Jungwon...can I hug you?"

After sometime, he showed up infront of you.
Before you could say a word, he hugged you tight and cried his heart out. You patted his head to try to calm him down.

For the rest of the night, he laid on your bed, with his head on your lap as you whispered sweet nothings to him. Once he fell asleep, you whispered.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you...but I'll find it out myself jungwon...I'll find out who broke your heart...for you..."


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