Jay #2

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You woke up feeling an excruciating pain all over your body

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You woke up feeling an excruciating pain all over your body. You somehow managed to sit up, feeling groggy. You rubbed your eyes and looked around to find yourself in a house, surrounded my dark woods.

 You rubbed your eyes and looked around to find yourself in a house, surrounded my dark woods

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You were confused and tried hard to recall what had happened previous nightfall but to no avail. Suddenly the door of the room and a guy walked in. His face was familiar. He sat beside you and asked you how you were feeling.

"I'm fine...thank you for your concern but how did I end up here? Do I know you?"

"You don't but now you will..."


You asked, perplexed. He leaned in closer to you, the dim light in the room striking his wonderfully sculpted features. Your eyes trailed all over his face, taking in the details of his sharp, fierce eyes, his perfectly sculpted nose and jaw, his beautiful skin.

"I own everything in this woods. Anything and everything that walks in here is mine. Including you."

You looked at him perplexed.

"You didn't choose the woods, you were chosen. Fate wanted you to be here. Last night you came running when a jaguar encountered and tried to kill you. I saved your life and from that moment, you were mine."

You then remembered and got flashbacks of last night. You escaped. You escaped the city life you hated...but at what cost? This handsomely breath taking human thinks he owns you. You wnated to be free but now you're trapped here. While you want to get out and away from here, you also owe him a lot for saving your life.

"Listen...I do understand that you saved me from a painful death and that I owe you a lot. But you don't own me. I was born free. I'm not your slave. I never will be."

He tilted his head while slyly grinning at you, clearly amused.

"Anything else, sweetheart?"

"I will do anything you say but I won't be your slave forever. I want to be free."

He leaned in closer, being
intimidatingly close.

"Really? You'll do anything I say?"

You nodded.


"Then stay. Stay with me until I want you to."

You looked at him, trying to understand what he means.

"Will I have my own freedom?"

"As long as you don't try to run away, you'll be fine."

"Can I go out on the woods whenever I like?"

"Only on my gaurd. You ain't going out in the wild and risking your life again."

You sighed. As much as you hate the fact that you can't go out alone, you know he's right. You don't want to be attacked by predators and get ripped into pieces before being their meal.

"Okay then. Deal."

"Don't back off from your words, okay sweetheart?"

Crimson crept up your cheeks when you heard his nickname for you. You looked away, trying to avoid his intimidating gaze.

"This place is beautiful..."

"You're prettier."

You closed your eyes shut. This is awkward. All he's doing is making you nervous.

"Come with me. I'll show you around."

The more you went around discovering his place, the more you realised how beautiful this place is. While you were looking around, you didn't notice the pair of eyes fixated on you.

"Make yourself home darling. You ain't going nowhere. Never."

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