Ni-ki #4

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Waking up the next morning, you felt an arm tightly wrapped around your waist. You recalled about last night, how Riki came home drunk and was too drunk to know what he was saying. How he embraced you and told you about his story. You bit your lips , trying to decide if you should trust him or not.


This is a trap.

While your heart wanted to trust him but you knew that you can't trust someone who can kill and torture people so ruthlessly with no mercy. You'll be the dumbest person on earth if you do.

You sighed and tried to escape his embrace but that only resulted him in pulling you closer so that your back was pressed against his chest and burying his head on your neck. His embrace got tighter to the point that you couldn't even move.

You tried to get away from him but finally gave up trying. He was too strong. Too big. You just laid there, still in his embrace, staring at the wall opposite to you.

Suddenly you heard him groan and the next moment, you were tossed to his other side so that you were now facing him. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at you for a few moments. You found it difficult to hold his intense stare but didn't want to look vulnerable. You stared back at him for as long as he did.

He chuckled and pulled you closer. His fingertips traced the sides of your face.

"Good morning sweetheart~"

You rolled your eyes and tried to get away from him but he held you even tighter. You glared at him.

"Let me go."

"But first tell me honey, what are you doing in my room, in my bed with me?"

His mischievous smirk made you want to smack it off his face. What does he mean his room?

"This is not your room. This is my room."


He looked around confused while still having his tight grip around your waist. He chuckled and looked back at you.

"I drank again, last night?"

You didn't reply. The room was filled with his dry laugh as you kept quiet and stared back at him. Once he stopped laughing, silence devoured the atmosphere.

"Why do you drink?"

"Eh? Why do I drink?....Because I want to."

He laughed again. He doesn't remember telling you everything. Or is it all just a part of his plan? To pretend that he doesn't remember telling you anything so that you pity and trust him even more? So that he can play the 'oh I was drunk so I don't remember you telling you anything but now I'll pretend that I don't want to talk about it to gain your sympathy' card?

You sighed.

"We need to get going. It's late."

While you were trying to get up, he pulled you down again and held you.

"Not so soon...I'm cold. It's raining, see."

"Riki it's 10 in the morning. And if you're cold......then wear a shirt for god's sake, pervert!"

You pushed him away and got out of the bed, embarrassed, while he burst out laughing.

"It took you so long to realise that I was shirtless the entire night?"

Your cheeks flushed as you locked yourself in the washroom and slid down the washroom door, burying your face in your hands, trying to contain the embarassment.

You could still hear him laughing his ass out through the other side of the door.


His demonic laugh intensified.

"Sweetheart, it's my house. I can sleep however I want to. And trust me, most guys sleep half naked."


"Honey, this is my house. Every room in this house is mine."

You sighed and accepted your fate.

"Guess I'll just learn to lock the door before sleeping..."

"You trust me too much with your security, don't you?"

You rolled your eyes. You didn't wish to talk to him anymore.

"But Y/N.....this was the most I've slept in years. You're the cure of my insomnia. You feel like home. And thank you for everything."

You heard the door of the room click meaning that he left the room. You leaned your head against the door of the washroom.

"I still don't trust you...Nishimura Riki"

Nishimura Riki"

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