Heeseung #4

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The slow, creeking of the door filled the entire dark room as you may in your bed, motionless and still, staring at the ceiling. You've been like this from the past few weeks. No food, no sleep. Just lying motionless on bed, staring at empty space. You still remember the horrendous sight you had witnessed right before your eyes the day you tried to escape. The chef's eyes being gouged out, followed by his jaw. The scene gives you nightmares. You wake up crying out, begging him to stop the violence. But then you plop down to your bed, staring into the void, the darkness of the room engulfing you. You can't remember the last time you saw light, infact you can't remember anything but the trauma.

The footsteps echoed all over your room as he walked inside and sat down beside you on your bed. A hand reached out and tried to caresss your cheek, but you flinched and scooted away from the touch. He sighed.

"You're not asleep yet?"

You didn't reply. You were too tired and drained out. Too numb to speak. Too numb to react.

"I have some important business. I'll be back in a few hours."

Saying thus, he left.

⚠️ Violence ahead

(A/N: if you're uncomfortable with topics related to violence against women and human trafficking, please quit reading)

He walked inside the lavish mansion where only the rich could afford to visit, his gaurds at his heels. The odour of smoke and alcohol reeked in the air as soon as he entered the main hall. Loud music booming, rich businessmen and mafias drinking and trading, almost half naked women in exquisite jewellery serving them. This was the largest hidden black market of the country.

"Heeseung! Glad to see you again. Been so long since we last met!"

Heeseung rolled his eyes at the younger and took a seat beside him.

"You know if I come here, then it has got to be business. Only business. My time is precious."

"Sure sure. Wouldn't dare to waste your time so let's get straight to it. Tell me. What do you want to trade?"

"I'm here to buy."

The younger looked at him surprised.

"Woah really? This has got to be the first time you want to buy something instead of selling. Anyways what do you want to buy?"

Heeseung's eyes roamed around the room, towards the women serving the guests. His friend followed his gaze and smirked.

"Got it! Finally you're interested in fulfilling your sexual desires! Finally you have your eyes on women. Don't worry, we'll get you the prettiest of them all. Tiago, bring Arabella"

The man, supposedly Tiago, nodded and walked out only to return shortly after with a woman following him. Her green eyes landed on Heeseung and she smirked. Her tongue swiftly glided against her red lips before she pulled her bralette down further to reveal her cleavage. She walked towards Heeseung and sat close to him on the couch. She scooted closer to him and placed her hand on his chest, leaning in close to his face.

"You're such a beautiful thing, love."

His jaw clenched at the proximity and manner in which she behaved.


She smirked.

"Playing hard to get, aren't we?"

She slided across him and seated herself on his lap. She then slowly trailed her fingers down his neck when suddenly there was a click and she was gone in an instant.

The loud boom echoes all over the place and everyone stopped their business to stare.

Heeseung threw the now dead body of the girl away from him on the couch and stood up.

"I didn't waste my time and get here to buy a wh*re who wants my body. I was here to get a maid who would take care of my lady and help her cope with the trauma she's been through by befriending her. But I guess I'll have to find some other way. None of these b*thes here deserve to breathe in her proximity. She's pure. She needs to stay away from all this."

Saying so, he flounced out.

When he reached home, he immediately went to your room to find you asleep in your bed. He walked towards you and sat beside you on the bed. He caressed and patted your hair.

"I might be an awful person. But oh my love, one thing I promise is that I'll never have my eyes on anyone other than you. I'll never betray you. You're mine and I'm yours. Only yours."

He kissed your forehead before walking out, into his room. He took his shirt off and and stared at himself on the mirror. He grabbed a blade and craved your name on his bare chest. Blood trailed down his body but he was unbothered by the pain. He stared straight at his own reflection.

"I am only hers."


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