Ni-ki #2

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You looked at him straight in the eyes, the boy who tricked you into living with him so cunningly.

"Don't look at me like that, you'll make me fall in love."

Despite his remark, your gaze didn't leave his face. He walked towards you, his hands on both sides of the arm rest of the sofa you were seated in. He leaned closer to you, returning your fierce gaze.

"Actually screw it. I already love you."

You scoffed.

"Love? Do you even know what 'love' is? Can someone like you even love somebody or something ever?"

He snickered.

"Oh sweetheart, don't go around telling me the same old definition of love. That, 'love is when you care so much about the person that their pain is your pain. You just want to see them happy so you do anything and everything for them to be happy. That you're ready to sacrifice everything for their happiness.' that what I have for you isn't love but obsession and someday I'll no longer be obsessed with you and it will all be over."

He stopped to lean in closer and gaze even deeper into your eyes. His right hand moved from the arm rest and squished your face tight.

"This is the 21st century my love. We all have our own ways to love somebody. Some are ready to die for their love while others...while others are ready to kill for their love. Of course I love you and of course I want you to be happy. But I don't want you to be happy without me. I want to be the reason of your happiness. I want you to myself. And if I can't have you no one would. Even if it means killing you and me. You're mine and only mine."

You glared back at him and slapped his hand away.

"You're a monster Nishimura Riki! I f***ing hate you and I'll never be happy with a monster like you."

He chuckled darkly while still leaning over you.

"Watch your mouth sweetheart. Don't want me to hurt your pretty little kids, do you?"

You grabbed his collar.

"Don't you f***ing dare hurt them bi**h or else..."

He grinned and tilted his hand.

"Or else what sweetheart? What will you do? You can't do anything but be a good girl if you want them to stay alive. You know it won't take me a minute to ask my people to shoot a bullet through their tiny little skulls-"


You aggressively tucked at his shirt collar, causing his shirt to rip.

"Ooo calm down sweetheart. My body's all yours but you know you can wait a little till you see me shirtless."

Your face flushed red but you never stopped glaring at him. He smirked and leaned back, sitting down infront of you. He took out his phone and video called a number. They instantly picked up.

"Haruto, how are the kids?"

"Good, healthy and happy. See for yourself."

You instantly took the phone away from him and looked at the screen. You instantly got teary when you saw the kids.

"Y/N-aahhh we miss you!!!"

"I miss you all too. How are you all doing? Did anyone hurt you?"

"No. We are fine. Haruto hyung is taking really good care of us. By the way do you know when mom and dad will be back from their business trip?"

You looked at them confused then turned towards Riki. He smirked and tilted his head, staring at your eyes admiringly. He leaned in and whispered on your ear.

"They underwent shock treatment which made them forget the death of their parents. Haruto told them that their parents are out for a business trip and you got married so you can't take care of them anymore so he was hired to babysit them."

Tears cascaded down your face as you lokked back at the kids.

"Y/N-ahhh why are you crying? And do you know when our parents will be back?"

You wiped off your tears.

"No Miso, I'm not crying. It's just that my eyes are hurting a little bit today. And your parents... they're a little busy so there are chances that they might have to move in to s different country. But don't worry. I'll visit you all often and look after you. Okay?"

The kids pouted sadly.

"Oh okay...but you have to come and meet us sometimes okay? And Y/N-ahh's husband...take good care of our Y/N or I'll punch you like bam-bam-bam."

Riki smiled and looked at you endearingly. He tucked a strand of hair falling on your face behind your ear.

"Don't worry. I'll always keep her happy and safe. Your Y/N is now my responsibility."

"Okay kids now say goodbye to
Y/N-ah it's time to go to school. We need to get ready now if you don't want to be late."

"Okay Y/N-aahhh bye-bye. We love you a lot"

"I love you all too."

More tears fell down your face as Haruto hung up the call.

"I hate you Nishimura Riki. You made them go through shock treatment??? They are infants. They just learnt to talk a couple of years back. They're only 5 and you electrocuted them?"

"A little pain at this age will save them from lifelong trauma. Atleast now they won't wake up in the middle of the night, screaming their parents to run. Nor will they be afraid that I'm gonna kill them."

"And what will you do when they ask you where their parents are?! How will you hide the truth from them for the rest of their lives?!?!"

"Don't worry about that. They won't even remember what their parents look like. I will assign them parents just like how I assigned them a babysitter."

You looked at him in disbelief.

"I'll never forgive you Nishimura Riki"

He pulled you close to him by your waist.

"You don't need to forgive me. Just love me and everything will be fine. The kids will be alive and so will you. So will I..."


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