Sunoo #1

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ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴜꜱɪᴏɴᴀʟ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ

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ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ. ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢʰʸ ᵗᵒ ᵃᵈᵐⁱᵗ ⁱᵗ.

You were walking home from school/work. It was a cloudy day and it seemed as if at any moment, it would start drizzling. You quickened your steps as the billowing clouds surrounded the sky. It suddenly began raining heavily and you sighed. There was no use of running. You're far from home and you were already drenched. As you were walking home while feeling the damp clothes stick to your skin, you came across someone on the streets, looking hopeless and disheartened, as he sat on the pavement, his face resting on his knees, arms hugging his knees close to his chest. His good sheltered him from the rain. He didn't seem homeless but seemed heartbroken and sad. You wanted to help but thought that he might want some space to himself.

There was a café around the corner. You went inside and bought a box of cookies. You slid in a note and smiled, thanking the barista. You made your way out while holding the box in your arms and made your way towards the boy. You placed it on the ground infront of him and hurried off before he could look up at you and start a conversation. Your social battery was drained and the only thing you wanted right now was to get back home as soon as possible and change into something comfortable.

You thought that he hadn't seen your face. But he did. He remembered your face, crystal clear. Although he had seen your face only for a brief second, your face was engraved in his mind. He looked down ta the box infront of him and opened it. He found the letter which you had slid inside it. He unfolded it and began reading the letter.

"Dear stranger,

I don't know who you are and what you are going through, but I hope this box of cookies can help ease your pain a bit. Sorry for intruding but don't get yourself sick. Get home safe:)

A random passer-by"

Unknowingly a smile crept on his face. His heart warmed up at the simple act of kindness and just then he realised, it was the first time he had smiled in a while. It was the first time someone made him smile instead of giving him pain.

Over the next few days, he began following you everywhere. Your school, your house, literally everywhere.

One day you returned home to find an envelope on your doorway. You picked it up and opened it to see photos of you asleep, photos of you in your school/work, photos of you undressing-

Your eyes widened as you dropped the photos. You were being watched. You went to your room to find a letter on your bed.

"Dear Y/N,

In this world full of despair and pain, you brought hapiness and hope in my life. You made me smile. You made me happy. You're the only person on earth who loved me. And I love people who love me more than they do. So I'll make you mine, Y/N. O know you can't stay away from me for long. So I'll make you mine today itself. Meet you tonight.

Your one and only,

You got scared. Who was this? How did they know you? Do you know them? Why do they think that you love them? There were a thousand questions plaguing your mind. Just then you heard a click outside the window. The click of a camera. Your heart began beating rapidly.

You suddenly heard a knock on the front door followed by loud banging. You felt your pulse rate accelerating as you hid yourself under the blanket. You tried to calm yourself down as you were afraid that your heartbeat would tell away where you were hiding to your stalker.

Soon the door of your room flung open and the footsteps grew lounder until they stopped before you.

"Why are you hiding from me, my love?"

You suddenly felt as if you were being lifted up from your bed, into his arms. You screamed, begging him to let go. He pulled you close to his chest and hushed you. You inhaled his sweet fragrance and stopped shuffling for a moment.

"See. I knew you loved me. Now I'll take you with me."

You tried to free yourself but slowly started losing your senses. His scent had something like chloroform which made you unconscious.

"I'll keep you happy. I promise."

(A/N: 1K reads in 3 days?!🥺 I love you all🤧❤️)

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