Sunoo #5

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A/N: Includes mention of cannibalism. If you're uncomfortable please don't read the chapter. But if you do, please be sure to read the entire chapter to avoid misunderstandings in the later chapters.

Y/N's pov:

"Please let me go...I beg you ...what did I ever do to you?!" You cried as he brought you back to his room.

"Aw you should've considered to not hurt my feelings. Now you're my property after all. You can't just do whatever you feel like." He said sadistically. (A/N: ngl writing these obsessed yandere dialogs give me second hand embarassment and cringe attack all the time)

"what do you mean hurt your feelings?! You killed my family and friends and expect me to stay with you after knowing all that?!"

"How dare you call my beloved actions murders! I did them out of love for you."

You looked at him in disgust and disbelief. "You're insane!!! You need help!!!"

His smile dropped and he looked at you darkly before laughing. "Too bad that your opinions here won't be considered." He walked closer to you. "I wonder what to do to you now...hmm so many possibilities"

You looked at him in terror. "What do you mean?..."

"I guess that some kind of revenge is good." He smirked putting on a pair of black gloves

"And to let you know... you are property. I can do anything to you that i want to"

Your whole body started to shake you were too scared that he would do something to you

"Calm down. I will torture your mind and not your body." He laughed again

You froze in fear as this was way worse

"Now let's start shall we?" He chuckled

"P-please don't-" You didn't even want to know what he could do to torture you mentally.

His eyes were full of malice as he just smirked, looking at you "You did this."

You felt how the fear overcame your whole body and you started shivering as he approached you

Just because of his soft voice it creeped you out even more so you were shaking like crazy and were full of fear.

"Aww is my little victim afraid~" He put his gloved hand on your cheek "I do have a solution to your fear~"

"you must be hungry...have this" he said as he put a plate of food infront of my face. It looked like cooked meat

You looked at the meat confused "W-what kind of meat is that exactly?" You sounded worried but you were also starving

"Let me surprise you~" He said as he fed you with it

He forcefully fed you and you had no option but to obey. "What meat is this? Why is the texture so..."

"Does it taste familiar~" He chuckled sadistically

I look up at him in terror. "Is it..."

"Mmm what?" He smirked "Why don't I tell you?~"

"Your family~"

You immediately went to the washroom and purged it out as soon as you heard that. With tears running down your eyes. Your vision started to get blurry as you slowly lost consciousness and fell on the floor

"Oh no my poor victim~" He came to you and lifted you up "Now you shall rest. It looks like our meeting has exhausted you a lot~"
He carried you to your room and placed you on the bed

"Mmmh~ It's okay sleep well baby~"

He looked at you as you slept "I shall do anything to make you mine~" He chuckled and left you to sleep

Your sleep was restless and full of nightmares. You were constantly woken up by them

In one of the nightmares you saw everyone you loved getting murdered infront of you. "Nooooo please stop..." You spoke in your sleep in horror.

In another nightmare you saw him getting closer and closer to you "No please don't...I beg you~" You said in your sleep in terror

In another one, what he said to you earlier was repeated in your head "It's all your fault~"

In the last one you saw your dead family and friends "You did monster!" You said while crying and looking horrified at him in your dream

Your dreams were so intense that you started screaming and that woke you up so you were lying in bed now sweating and shivering because of your nightmares

He stood by your bedside "You had bad dreams my love?" He said with that sly grin on his face

A chill went down your spine as you froze in horror.

"What's wrong? Did you see some scary things?~" He chuckled and came closer to you "You know it can't be that bad~"

I began crying and closed your eyes

"Aw you should cheer up I want to make you feel special~" He chuckled "I know a way to make you feel better again~"

"about the food I fed you earlier..." He paused with a smirk as your crying intensified. "Well it wasn't your family. Infact it wasn't human meat. It was mutton. I played with your mind to make you believe that it was human meat"

You were surprised but you were also relieved that you didn't eat human meat. You calmed a bit and opened your eyes. You looked at him waiting for him to continue what he wanted to say. He sat down infront of you on the bed.

"See? What I had to do for you? I love you so much yet I had to traumatize you. You could've avoided this if only you didn't try to escape. So from now on.... Beware. I only scared you this time. Next time, I might actually do it."


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(A/N: I can't with the cringe ass shit kinda dialogues I'm writing.)

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