Heeseung #3

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"Think. Think Y/N!!! There has to be some way to get out of here without trace."

It had been 2 days since he had kidnapped you. Although he didn't hurt or molest you, you were determined to get out of here. But his house was big, so big and he had security and gaurds all over his house which made it almost impossible for you to escape.

Suddenly the door of your room opened and a servant came in and bowed to you. He didn't look much older than you, maybe in his mid 20s.

"Master wants to know what you would like for lunch."

You looked at him pleadingly.

"Can you please help me escape from here?"

His head shot up as he gave you a scared and shocked look but he immediately looked down in order to show respect.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you madamé."

"Please. Please I beg you. I don't want to live here."

He looked up at you and then checked to see if anyone was outside the room, eavesdropping into your conversation. He then turned back to you.

"I can understand your feelings but there's not much I can do. He's a dangerous and powerful person. Everyone dreads him. We the servants are all held hostage just like you. Just the difference is that he want us to devote our life to serve him and he wants you to be his girlfriend. We can't escape and neither can anyone of us help you to escape. He'll kill us for sure."

You clasped your hands as you pleased further.

"Please. Please help me out. You can just say something like you didn't find me in my room and the house is so big, you couldn't find me anywhere and I had escaped before you could find me. Please."

He looked hesitant but then finally agreed to help you out.

"There's a secret way out but it's in the basement. You need to be careful to get there. Try not to get caught by the guards on your way and once you get there in the basement, move behind a few huge boxes towards the left end of the basement. There should be a secret underground tunnel, covered by a lid. You need to move it away and escape. Just be fast and careful. Okay?"

You nodded and thanked him. He nodded and left. You waited for sometime, till the whole mansion was quiet. Then you decided to begin your journey. You tiptoed out of the mansion and managed to get out without the guards noticing. You managed to reach the basement just in time and began searching for large oxes like he said. You found the place and you also found the secret underground tunnel he was talking about.

You removed the lid and just when you were about to jump inside, a strong hand firmly gripped your arm and yanked you away from it. Your scared, terrified eyes gazed into his intimidating ones.

"Mistake. Big mistake sweetheart."

He dragged you and made you sit on a chair in the basement and tied you to it so that you couldn't escape. His guards switched on the lights of the dark basement and you saw the servant who helped you sitting right in front of you, tied to a chair. He looked even more scared then you were for he knew that he was bound to die now. A rather painful death.

"Didn't I tell you the first day sweetheart that you are not allowed to escape? This is the third day and you already broke the rules?"

"Heeseung let him go. He didn't do anything wrong. If you want to punish me, go ahead. But leave him."

"Oh how desperate you are to save his life. That makes me jealous and even more mad."

"Heeseung please!"


A big man in black, about the size of a bodybuilder stood beside Heeseung and bowed as Heeseung called his name.

"You know what to do."

"il tuo ordine è mio dovere"

Matteo then walked over to the servant who was crying out for forgiveness. Matteo pulled out a variety of blades and sharp equipments from a bag. The servant's cries got louder but they were ignored.

Gore begins:

"These were the daring eyes of yours ith which you dared to look at the beautiful face of my lady, aren't they? Matteo."

Matteo nodded and gouged out both the eyes of the servant our and threw them to the cold, hard ground. The air filled with the servant's agonizing screams and you begging Heeseung to stop.

"You your tongue with which you plotted out the entire plan of escape for her."

Matteo tried to force him to pull his tongue out but he didn't. So he grabbed a chainsaw and gouged off his entire lower jaw and throwing it away causing his blood to splash over your face. You screamed out last time before everything blacked out.

Heeseung leaned down and held your face daintily.

"Oh sweetheart your heart is way too weak. I had so much more to show you. How those who try to seperate you from me end up with a terrible fate."


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Italian: il tuo ordine è mio dovere

English translated: Your wish is my command

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