Sunoo #2

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From the last two hours you tried your best to convince the lovesick boy infront of you that you didn't have romantic feelings towards him and what you did that say was merely an act of humanity. But as if it was that easy to convince him.

Finally he broke down in tears. You felt bad but you were confused as to what you should do as showing sympathy meant convincing him that you're falling for him.

"Am I that unlovable??? That you can't sty with me??? That no one can stay with me??? Everyone I love and care for leaves me... Am I that unworthy of love??? My family dumped me into an orphanage after I was born...the first person I fell in love with cheated on me...and now that I met you and believed that you will heal my broken want to leave me too??? Am I that bad???"

You felt guilty although none of it was your fault. You just didn't know what to do. Your kind heart couldn't see him cry and be so miserable. You felt sorry for him.

"Sunoo...I...I feel you. I know it's sad to live without love...and we all need love to be happy...but this is not the way can't force people to live with you and stay with you forever by stalking and kidnapping them... moreover you invaded my privacy by taking my photographs without my consent...that's not right..."

He wiped his tears as more threatened to fall. He clutched your hands in between his and sobbed recklessly.

"I'm sorry for that. I was so in love with you that I couldn't stop thinking about you day in and out. Morning, night and evening I thought about you. I thought about you all the time. I desperately wanted you to myself. So I didn't care if what I was doing was wrong or right. But I promise you...I promise you thta I'll chnage for you... I'll be the best boyfriend, just the type you want. Just don't leave me please..."

Every passing moment made you feel more and more guilty and sorry for him.

"Sunoo, you don't have to change for anyone. You're perfect the way you are. It's just cannot always get what you want...and obsessing over them will get you nowhere..."

He again began sobbing.

"I get it. I'm just unlovable and unfortunate. I don't deserve to be loved."

"Sunoo no. It's not like that-"


You hugged him and patted his head to calm him down.

"Calm down Sunoo...calm's've got me...I don't know if I'll ever fall in love with you but I'll always care for you and I'll never leave."

He pulled away from you to look into your eyes. His beautiful amber ones gazing deep into yours looking ever so pretty. Pretty would be an understatement for his eyes were divine and angellic.

"You really won't leave me? You'll stay?"

His teary eyes which seemed to hold the entire universe in them ached your heart.

"I promise you, I'll never leave."

"Pinky promise?"

You interlinked your pinky with his and ruffled his hair.

"Pinky promise."

He squealed and hugged you tight. Soon his smile turned into a smirk.

'Who said you can't always get what you want? Pretty privilege with manipulation skills always makes you win, sweetheart.'


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