Heeseung #6

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I find myself there again. Standing on the edge. One brave step would send me underwater. Just a few more minutes of suffering and then it would all be over. It would be sweet and peaceful in the afterlife. There would be no pain. No suffering no more betrayal. It will be beautiful. I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath. This is it. I have been brave for so long. I have to be brave for just this moment too. "Here I come". I clench my fist, exhale and leap forward.

"I wait to feel the cold river engulf me. But instead, I feel a pair of arms around my waist which pulls me towards itself and sends me falling back. My back hits the cold hard ground as a tender, soft body falls on me, catching my head before it slams against the ground. I slightly open my eyes and look at her. Scared, tiny, sweet. She slowly opens her eyes to look down at me. Paradise. She must be an angel. But how did I die so fast? "Are you crazy?!" She gets up, dusting herself off. I sit up, looking up at her. She looks down at me again. "Why did you save me?"

"Why did you try to kill yourself?" I look away. Too much to tell... and why would a stranger even care to listen? She extends an arm for me to take. I look at her hand, then up at her. "Since your attempt to jump off a bridge at midnight and kill yourself failed, let's go somewhere a little less depressing and talk?" I look away. "We don't have to talk about why you wanted to die, I promise. I'm lonely and I just need some company." I look up at her. "Please?"... I sigh. I take her hand, pulling
myself off the ground. We walk to an empty park. We sat down on a bench in silence for a few minutes. The cold midnight wind blowing through her hair, the moonlight shining on us. She sits there, her legs dangling off the bench as she looks at the stars. While I look at her...

"What's your name, if you're alright with telling me..." I break my gaze from her face and look down at the ground. "Heeseung Lee..." She nods. "That's a cool name. I'm Y/N, by the way." I nod. "Do you like the moon?" I sighed. That's a very childish question. It's giving... elementary school convo."

"I know you think I'm retarded." I look at her. "When did I say that?" "You didn't have to say. I knew." I sigh. This is awkward, and I'm exhausted.

"To be honest, I'm not a very social person either." I looked at her. " Then why did you ask for my company? So that you can distract me and I don't try to kill myself again? I don't need your sympathy. Goodnight!" I say as I get up from the bench, about to leave when she holds my hand and stops me.

"Just because I'm not social doesn't mean I don't need company, Heeseung." I turn around to look down at her. "I'm not antisocial. Just socially awkward. That's it." I sit down beside her. "But why would you want the company of a depressed stranger when you can spend time with some guy at the club?"

"They would want me only for my body..." "What about the guys you know?" "They aren't very different either. I heard the comments they make at school..." "How do you know that I'm any different from them?" "You're too depressed to do anything to me" "What if it was a trap? What if I tricked you into believing that I was suicidal so that I could gain your sympathy and then take advantage of you?"

There was a moment of silence before she spoke. "I don't know, my heart wanted to trust you I guess." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Don't make that mistake ever again. Not everyone deserves to be trusted." "Why?" I look down at her. "How old are you?" "17. I'm turning 18 in a month". " Then Just know that I've seen the world 5 years more than you. Life isn't that easy; people you trust will hurt you. They will betray you. You might think that they're your friend and they love you when in reality, they are the ones who are secretly planning to ruin you." She was quiet for a while. "I'm sorry for what you had to go through." I sighed. "Please don't sympathize with me. I hate when people do that; it makes me feel weak and beyond repair."

"Well then, how about '' I'm happy that you've been strong for so long. I'm proud of you '' ?" I closed my eyes and turned my face away from her as a tear slipped from my eyes. "I was trying to kill myself back there, and you're telling me I'm strong?" "When did they hurt you?" "A week ago..."

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