Jungwon #6

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You sighed as you leaned back on your office seat. No matter how hard you tried to focus, you couldn't get your head out of Jungwon, the photos, the message, everything... As you were lost in your thoughts, everyone around you started packing up, indicating that the shift was over. You packed up too and checked the time. 5:00. What are the odds that his school was open at this hour? You could only visit the location and find out.

You stood there in front of the gate, staring at the building in front of you. The campus was rather empty and dark with the setting sun. It was already twilight, with the sun already below the horizon, the sky pink with an orange hue reflecting off the white marble building. You sighed as you found the gates closed with no staff members nearby. Maybe you need to try again tomorrow morning.

Your way back home was filled with thoughts on how you could solve this puzzle. You couldn't help but wonder why you were doing all this. Whatever happened was his past. Shouldn't you be focusing on the present? You are his future and that's what he wants. To be with you, even in the afterlife.

Maybe because you live with him and will stay with him here forever, but you know so little about him, and he's not opening up about his past. So, you need to figure it out all by yourself. Who he is? Where he came from? Who hurt him?

As you thought about all that, you found yourself at his house. This is the third time you're visiting this place. You make your way to the third floor, to his room where you found clues on your last visit. You searched the entire room again, hoping to find another clue, but to no avail. You sighed and leaned against the mirror. Suddenly, you stumbled backward as the mirror, pressed against your back, rotated, leading you to another dark room behind it. You gasped at the sudden reveal of the secret room and immediately turned your phone flashlight on and started looking around.

The room was spacious but rather empty, with the floor covered in dust and the walls pale and dirty. Suddenly, your peripheral vision caught a glimpse of something: an old diary. You immediately picked it up, going through the pages, reading each and every entry.

Most of the pages were half torn, stained, and dusty. Even the handwriting could be barely understood due to the dilapidated condition of the dairy, but then one specific entry caught your eye.

Dear Diary,

I her again today, looking just as beautiful as the first time I saw her in the park at sunset, when the pink sky above her resonated with her rosy skin and the gentle breeze blew her hair. Today I saw her again, and this time not in a park but in my class, standing right next to the teacher as she introduced herself. Her voice was just as beautiful as I had imagined. Ariah... the name lingered on my mind as the teacher informed her about the rules and regulations of her new school. I saw her eyes dart around the classroom before they landed on me. It felt as if my world stopped for a moment. She walked up to me and asked me if she could sit beside me. I was too enchanted to speak; I quickly nodded and made space for her. Today was a day I would never forget.

Unknowingly, a tear slipped from your eye as you realized that Jungwon could probably never love you like he loved her. His first love... The way he he describes her...he was I love...

You quickly wiped your tears and rummaged through the other diary entries, but either they were half torn or half eaten by moths. Until you came across the last entry.

Dear diary,

I saw her again today. But unlike before when my heart would be filled with admiration and love whenever I saw her, this time it was different. I felt my heart shatter as I saw her in the arms of my bully. The one she was protecting me from all along, I saw her in his arms, her eyes sparkling as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. The moment of realisation hit me. All her "I love you's" and all her comforting words, all her hugs meant nothing. She wasn't in love with me; she only deceived me. I felt weak at my knees and my heart filled with hurt and betrayal as I heard her tell him how she wanted me dead. How she never loved a loser like me ever. How difficult it was for her to pretend that she was in love with me. I collapsed to the floor, but they were too busy with each other to notice my presence.

I later walked out of that place, to my home, my heart wretched from the pain and betrayal. The person I loved and trusted the most deceived me. I have no one to share my feelings with since I have no family or friends, so I write you this, my final entry. You and I, we both know how much I loved her. But we both know I'm weak. I don't think I can live with this pain of betrayal and pain for the rest of my life. And if my love wants me dead, then so be it. Goodbye.

The diary drops from your hands as you break down in tears. To even imagine the pain he had to go through at such a young age... He is the sweetest, loveliest thing. He had never hurt anyone before. Then why did he have to go through all this? He never deserved it. You let the tears fall as you lay there in the darkness .

You had so many questions as to why they did that? What did Jungwon ever do to deserve all this? All these questions, and only one person could give you the answers: Aria. You have to find her.

You wiped your tears as you realized how late you were. You dusted yourself off as you rechecked her address that Jungwon had written in one of his entries where he wrote about the first time he had walked her home: 7 Street, May Square Road, House No. 15. (A/N: I stole that name from Monopoly)

You decided to leave the diary there, since it would be difficult hiding it at home from Jungwon. You left the place and immediately made your way back home. Upon reaching, Jungwon immediately engulfed you in a hug.

"Where the hell were you? You're so late today, I was so worried..."

You hugged him back as a tear escaped your eye. He pulled back and wiped your tears away, his face worried and perplexed.

"Love... Is everything alright? Why are you crying?"

You hugged him again, tighter than the last time. He was too pure for the world...

"Nothing, Won... It was a rough day at work..."

"I see... No worries, I will take care of you for tonight. Let's start with you taking a long, relaxing shower while I cook dinner. Okay?"

You smiled and nodded as you watched him, but you knew you could never be truly happy nor relieved until you found Ariah.

A/N: guys Jungwon 's story is finally reaching its end! Just a few more chapters and it'll be done. Good day/evening/ night lovelies!!!💗🎀

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