Jungwon #5

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Since he was reluctant to tell you about his past, you decided to find it out yourself.

"Wonnie I'm leaving for work." You called out to him as you put your shoes on. He showed up infront of you, pouting slightly.

"Leaving already? It's too early..."

"Wonnie I need to get the bus early today. I heard there might be a bus strike from 9. So better if I catch one early."

You said as you got up and wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around your waist, his face getting stern.

"You're not lying, are you?"

You were nervous but decided to be calm and nodded while smiling. He smiled back and kissed your forehead.

"I'll be waiting..."

You then bid him farewell and left home. You sighed as you walked towards the bus stand, waiting for the bus.

"He really didn't tell me anything about his past. He looks so young...like he's of my age. This means he was of my age when he died... Did he still go to uni, or had he found a job already?..."

The only place where you could get even the slightest information about him was the abandoned 5 storey building where you first met him.

Reaching the building through the lane your house was situated in was too risky as jungwon might see you and try to stop you. So it'll only be better to take another way.

You took the longer route to reach there. The building looked just it did that evening . Old, crusty, abandoned and looks haunted. But it looks better in the daylight then after sunset.

You went inside and went through every room to find any evidence about his past. All you found were debris, dust, roaches, spiders, broken furniture, shattered mirrors. You reached the fourth floor where you met him. It had a bed, a broken window pane, a dusty mirror, a wardrobe, a study table and a shelf beside it with books in it. Books...?

You went over and picked a book put of it. You immediately dropped it with a scream when spider crawled out of it. You sighed and picked the book up again and dusted it with your hands. Judging from the appearance of the book, it doesn't look very old. Like 3 or 4 years old. You checked the Title of the book and pulled out your phone. You realised that the book you were holding was published 5 years ago. Which means his death was not older than 5 years.

Jungwon never talked about having a family so you assumed that he lived alone and this was his room, his books, his study table.

You went over the pages of the book. No annotations. Almost looks untouched. You went through a few other books kept in the shelf. None of them had any annotations... except for one. The book was titled 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn. You went through the pages and realised that only a few words of a few pages in the book were highlighted. You serially put all the words together and they formed a sentence:

"Everyone betrayed me. And now I die..."

Everyone betrayed me...and now I die?... Did he kill himself or was he killed? You tried searching for more evidence but didn't find much. You looked in the study table and found an assignment copy with the School logo on it. Varsity High.

Maybe his school can say more about him. Your eyes roamed around the room and fell on the wardrobe. You walked towards the wardrobe and opened it. It had sweaters, socks, jackets, tailored pants and his other belongings, stacked in piles, threatening to fall out of the wardrobe. You searched through the sweaters and found polaroids hurried in them. Polaroids of nature, himself, puppies and kittens and... a girl.

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