Jungwon #4

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You were upset with how you offended him. Although you knew that it wasn't your fault. You were just afraid of him and other paranormal things. You aren't used to ghostly encounters after all. You tried to summon him and talk to him but but he didn't make appearance from the last one week. You wonderred if he had left the house but deep inside you were certain that he didn't leave. You felt him caress your face when you pretended to be asleep. Nonetheless, you didn't give up. If you hurt him, then it's your responsibility to make up for it.

You tried calling him again while you were working at the kitchen.

"Jungwon, I made breakfast. Would you like to have some?"

No reponse.

"Wonnie! I made brekkie!"

No response.

You took a step back and collided against something or someone. You immediately turned back and grabbed him. You couldn't see him but you felt him in your embrace.

"Caught you! Now show your pretty little face!"

He didn't.


Slowly he started appearing and after a few moments, he stood there, right infront of you. In your embrace. He looked pissed but you could see a tiny bit of amusement in his eyes. You smiled widely

"There you are. Pretty as hell!"

"Let go of me. And what do you want?"

You slowly let go of him as he leaped and sat on the kitchen counter infront of you.

"I wanted to apologise..."

He rolled his eyes and began fading slowly but you immediately grabbed his hand.

"No no no! Please don't dissapear again! It's been so difficult for me the last 4 days. I couldn't see you or find you anywhere. I wanted to apologise so bad but couldn't find you."

He rolled his eyes and looked away. Still in bad mood he is. Suddenly, you tiptoed and leaned in to peck his cheeks. His eyes grew wide as he looked at you dumbstruck. His cheeks which were so ghastly pale, turned slightly crimson. You didn't know ghosts can blush but you found it so adorable to see him all flustered. You chuckled.

"What was that?"

"A kiss. On the cheek~"

You said as ypu went back to cooking.

"How rude of me! I've been living here with you from the last one month or so. Yet I never offered you food. Anyways, here. I've made brekkie for you."

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked away. Still mad? You frowned. You picked up a spoonful of pancake and brought it near his face. He moved his face further back as he resisted your attempt to feed him.

You sighed.

"Wonnie....please....just once!!!"

He was still reluctant. You sighed.

"If you ever loved me, you won't reject the food."

He looked back at you. He slowly parted his lips. You smiled and put the spoonful of food inside his mouth.

"Good boy! Now another one"

One by one you fed him till he was full. You then took a napkin and cleaned his mouth. At the end you patted his head and kissed his forehead. He blushed again but pretended to be mad.

"Stop treating me like a child"

"I'm not treating you like a child. I'm just giving you the princess treatment that you deserve honey. Cause you're so pretty."

He rolled his eyes as the crimson on his cheeks intensified. He was about to dissapear again when you hugged him.

"No!!! Don't go yet!"

You couldn't hear his heartbeat since he was already dead. But the way his body stiffened told you that he still cares for you.

"I'm sorry....."

He hesitantly put his arms around you.

"It's alright.....I forgive you....."

You pulled back and leaned your forehead against his. His skin was icy cold. Your skin provided him the warmth he craved for so long.

"Just don't do that ever again..... it sucks to know that the person you're ready to die for doesn't care for you and wants you gone."

You shook your head.

"I would never do that ever again....."

You held his face and kissed his forehead again.

"Won.....please tell me who hurt you....."

A tear escaped his eyes.

"No one"

"Stop lying. Please. I really want to know."

He sighed. You held his hand to show your support.

"Let's just not talk about it now? I don't want to recall."

You sighed but nodded. You then smiled and wiped his tears.

"Sure. Just talk to me whenever you're ready okay? I won't force you."

He smiled. You ruffled his hair.

"Let's go and watch movies. You've been mad at me for too long now."

You both went over to the drawing room to watch movies. While the movie started, you laid your head on his thigh. He looked flustered but then put an arm securely around you and began playing with your hair.
You turned and looked up at him after a few minutes. He looked so happy. You smiled looking at him smile. Are you falling for him too? You sighed.

He looked down at you worried.

"What happened love? Is something wrong?"

You shook your head.

"I think I like you Jungwon."

He smiled and leaned his forehead against yours.

"And I love you."

He pecked your nose and went back to the movie. You smiled and focused on the movie.

'I hope things always stay this way Jungwon...'

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