Heeseung #2

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You slowly opened your eyes. Your vision was blurry and your head felt heavy. You sighed and looked around. You were in an unfamiliar surrounding. You were surrounded by grey walls and an uncanny atmosphere.

"Where am I?"

The modern and sophisticated, yet dull room made you feel even more gloomy and exhausted then you already were. You tried to recall what had happened the previous night...

Corpse... beheaded head... a human heart under your feet... a guy

You slowly recalled everything and began panting heavily. He must have been the killer. This must be his residence. Why are you here? Does he want to sell you? Or does he want to kill you and then sell your organs? Is he a cannibal? Will he eat you?

You clutched your heart which was beating rapidly. "It's alright Y/N. Don't panic. We'll find a way to get out of this hell."

Suddenly the door opened, making you flinch. He walked inside, his eyes dull and sleepy. He was holding a tray of breakfast which he placed on the nightstand beside you. You scooted away from him, pulling the sheets up to cover yourself. He tilted his head in confusion as he looked at you. He reached a hand out to you to touch your face but you moved away.

"What do you want from me??? Why am I here???"

He sighed before pulling out a knife and showing it to you. You began shivering at it's sight. What will he take from you? Eyes? Kidney? Liver? Tongue?

"Legs or wings?"

You looked at him, perplexed.

"What will you eat?" He said motioning at the cooked chicken kept on the platter on the nightstand.

"I'm vegan"

He sighed and clapped his hands. Two huskies barged inside the room, growling for food, but they stopped at a distance. He threw the whole cooked chicken lying on the platter at them as they fought for their share.

"Don't worry, I don't eat humans. Just torture and kill them. And I won't kill you either."

Your eyes widened in shock. 'He can read minds? Or did I say my thoughts out loud?'

"If I had to kill you, you wouldn't be lying on my bed right now but rather on my basement. And no I don't read minds, neither are you saying your thoughts out loud. Reading your facial expressions, I can tell what's going on in your mind."

He held an apple infront of you.


You hesitantly took it from his hands.

"Then why am I here?"

"To be my girlfriend"

You looked at him, dumbstruck.


"Don't ask too many questions sweetheart. Just do as I say."

"And if I don't?"

He leaned closer to you, pulling you by your waist so that you don't scoot further away from him. He leaned in closer and kissed your ear.

"Don't argue. I told you that I won't kill you. But I never said that I won't torture you, sweetheart."

He leaned back to look at your face. His face showed no signs of emotion. Only a dead, tired look fixated on his eyes.

"Please don't force me to be bad to you. I don't want to hurt you. Do you get it?"

Your lips parted to say something but he immediately placed a finger to shut them up.

"Just nod to say yes. I appreciate silence."

You slowly, hesitantly nodded. He kissed your forehead, still emotionless and serene.

"Good girl."

He got up and left. You looked at him as he left and sighed.

"I can't stay here for long..."


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